Q: How do I get Honey?
A: Honey is obtainable through Rumbling, from the Honeycombs on Route 53 or buying it from other users.
Q: How do I get Gems?
A: Gems can be obtained through Rumbling, Golden Game Slot, Mystery Boxes and Royal Tunnel.
Q: How can I evolve Pokémon that evolves through happiness?
A: You will need to buy a Soothe Bell from the Item Shop and USE it on a Pokémon through your item bag (You do NOT give it the item!), or you can use the Acupuncture at the Salon.
Q: How do I level up my Trainerlevel?
A: Visit the Trainerlevel page to find out.
Q: How do I battle?
A: You can battle users with the VS. Seeker that is purchasable in the Item Shop.
Q: How do you find Harvest Sprites?
A: Once you reach Trainerlevel 10, you can explore the Ancient Cave. There, you will find hints on how to find each one. It is not allowed to tell other users how to find them.
Q: How do I get a Mega Pokémon?
A: Read the Mega Pokémon article.
Q: How do I get Legendary Pokémon?
A: Read the Legendary Pokémon article.
Q: Where can I find the Server Time?
A: It's located at the very bottom right of every page.
Q: What effect has feeding berries to Pokémon?
A: The chance of finding (higher amounts of) Pokédollar and Golden Game Chips is increased by a high percentage. And the Pokémon also gain more EXP.
Q: How would you evolve a Pokémon like Feebas, which needs Beauty to evolve?
A: You do it like you would do it in Gen V. Trade it while it is holding a Prism Scale.
Q: Can you breed Retros?
A: No, you can't. Their egg group is "Undiscovered", just like most of the Legendary Pokémon.
Q: Where do released Pokémon go?
A: It's unknown. (In fact, they are deleted.)
Q: What determines what branch of evolution Wurmple will evolve into?
A: It's random.
Q: How do we evolve Pokémon with attack-based or location-based evolutions?
A: They evolve after reaching the required level for learning this move regulary in the game series. (For example Tangela at Level 36). The only exception is Piloswine who evolves starting at Level 50.
Pokémon which have a location-based evolution needs to rumble a certain area (see Rumbling).
Q: Do the Harvest Sprites break your shiny chain?
A: No, they do not.
Q: Do Pokémon/Eggs received from Rumbling break your shiny chain?
A: No, they do not.
Q: Do Pokémon/Eggs received from Event Distribution break your shiny chain?
A: No, they do not.
You can also check the Does it break my chain? page to see if anything else would break your shiny chain.
Q: Do I need to have credit deposited in Daycare for my Pokémon to produce eggs?
A: You will need to have credit for them to breed. If you don't put credit into the Daycare, then they won't produce eggs.
Q: Why do my PokéDex entries disappear?
A:' This system is different from the actual Pokémon game series: If you ever release, trade or evolve your Pokémon, its data is removed. Your PokéDex does not scan your Pokémon instantly and saves its data - but it's more like a scrapbook.
Q: Is there a way to search if any user has a certain Pokémon?
A: You can - if you have its PokéDex Entry. Then you see at least the amount of this Pokémon species on the whole site by looking at its frequency.
Q: Can you take your bids back from the Auction House?
A: No, you can't. All you can do is wait and hope for someone else to outbid you.
Q: Can people train your Pokémon from Storage Boxes?
A: Yes they can.
Q: How do I put my Pokémon into a box?
A: You need to do it from the Storage Boxes (see Storage Box)
Q: How much time does it take for a Pokémon to get attracted to the Honey on Route 53?
A: It's random. A Pokémon can appear after only 15 minutes, but it can also take up to 12 hours.
Q: Are the berries that cost more in the Item Shop rarer than the berries that cost 40 Pokedollars?
A: Expensive berries were originally meant to be a PD trading system, but it's no longer needed since we can gift Pokedollars now. They are expensive for no reason now.
Q: When I use the Enigma Stone in Tall Grass and click on 'Cancel search' will the item be lost or can I just restart the search later again?
A: No, the item will not disappear until you find the Latios/Latias egg from Tall Grass.
Q Can I breed legendary Pokémon?
A You can be able to breed Genesect, Arceus, Deoxys, Mewtwo and Diancie with a Ditto (they are trade-locked, however). Manaphy can also breed with Ditto to produce Phione eggs. All other legendaries are unbreedable.
Q What are these Prof. Rowan Quests??
A They are quests are randomly given to users to do a certain task. They may involve leveling up a pokemon, hatching eggs or going on rumble missions. You will be rewarded with a Golden Pokéball if you can complete them. Complete them all and you will earn the badge Rowan's Best Friend.
Q How can I obtain boxes and keys?
A You can be able to get all boxes and keys from Rumbling (except gold boxes). Golden boxes can only be obtained through the Golden Game Slot or by giving Jirachi 5 Star Pieces over in Ancient Cave.
Q What can I get from boxes or keys?
A The items are random each time some are more rare than others the list includes: Berries, evolution stones, fossils, maps, etc.
Q How do I remove items from my Pokémon?
A Go to the Pokémon's Full Summary page and press
. The page should refresh and the item should be removed.
Q What is a Chat Quiz?
A A Chat Quiz can be a official or user made event. It simply involves asking questions in the Herochat and seeing who is the fastest to answer them. Prizes, scoring and number of questions and other rules are all determined by the host of the event.
Q: What features are included in the Premium Account?
A: A list of features can be found here.
Q: Which factors influence the breeding in the Daycare?
A: It's influenced by their PokéDex Number (if they match or not), by their Original Trainer (if 2 different OTs or not) and their Egg Groups. Black Flutes and
White Flutes also increase the rate in which eggs are produced if the Daycare is under their effect. Emera Fountain can also influence breeding if you're lucky!
Q: How come there's such a huge price difference for the legendary dogs in the Prize Exchange? Why do you not make it the same price for all of them and a higher shiny price (but the same) for all of them?
A: It is there to add an increase of the degree of difficulty after each purchase of a legend dog. There are legendaries which might be harder to obtain than other ones.
Q: Are people who added me as a friend able to view my feed activity, or do they have to be a mutual friend for them to have it in their notifications too?
A: They only need to add you in order to see your feeds on their notification page.
You need to be a mutual friend to see "Friend-only" feeds, though.
Q: What does clicking on the Shiny Ditto over in the Prof. Rowan's Lab do?
A: Whenever it pops up you can click on it. If you're lucky, then you'll receive a message, but if you are very lucky, then you may just receive a special gift from Professor Rowan!
Q: When is daytime on PokéHeroes?
A: 06:00 to 17:59 server time.
Q: When is nighttime on PokéHeroes?
A: 18:00 to 05:59 server time.