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About PokéHeroes
PokéHeroes is a browserbased fangame about the world of Pokémon. Take on the role of a Pokémon trainer and breeder! Adopt eggs, hatch and raise them to strong and powerful monsters. Explore unknown areas, collect items and complete quests - and much more! PokéHeroes is also a real community-based game. You cannot only send private messages to your friends all over the globus, but also share your opinions in our forum to all the other players.
About PokéHeroes Wiki
This wiki provides information about the game and is meant to help new users. If you have any further questions about the site, you can always PM a Staff member
Statics of PokéHeroes Wiki
→812 Articles in total.
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→4,061 Files Uploaded.
→107,475 Edits.
→4 Users registered