Legendary Pokémon
Legendary Pokémon are powerful and rare Pokémon. Therefore they are more difficult to find than normal or most Event Pokémon.
Obtaining Legendaries
Not all the Legendary Pokémon are obtainable currently. This page will list all the legendary Pokemon currently available on the site.
- Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres can be obtained in the Lab, although they are extremely rare. They can be obtained from the Gem Collector if you already have their respective dex entries.
- Mewtwo was given out as a prize of a few Speed Click Events and Chatquiz events on the Herochat. Mega Powered Mewtwo X and Y were also given out as a prize of an individual Speed Click Event.
- Mewtwo is now fully available for everyone. After filling the Kanto Dex, you will receive a Mega Powered Mewtwo X. After filling your Johto Dex, you will receive a Mega Powered Mewtwo Y.
- It is breedable, but trade-locked.
- File:151s.png - Mew was given out to all the users from 01/07/2013 to 14/07/2013 first. Afterwards, it was then obtainable again every year during the anniversary of PokéHeroes if users have obtained the Mew plushie and summoned Mew in the Ancient Cave.
- Raikou, Entei and Suicune can be bought in the Game Center with Game Chips. Their shiny versions can be bought as well there, but for a higher price.
- Lugia can be won at the Pokémon Lottery by having 4 matching Pokémon in a drawing. Shiny Lugia can be won by having all the 5 matching Pokemon.
- File:250-t.png - Ho-Oh can be obtained upon submitting a Pass Code obtained through a Wonder Trade.
- Registeel, Regice, Regirock can be found in the Royal Tunnel by completing each path completely for the first time. They can also be found randomly by playing the Endless Path after unlocking it (even in their shiny forms).
- Latias and Latios can be randomly found in the Tall Grass by using an Enigma Stone. Enigma Stones are obtainable rarely from Mystery Boxes.
- Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you won a Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald, respectively from their Boss Battles. Special Rumbling Maps are required for this.
- File:385i.png - Jirachi can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you have 5 Star Pieces.
- Deoxys can be obtained from Prof. Rowan after completing your Hoenn Dex.
- It is breedable, but trade-locked.
- Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf can be won at the Golden Game Slot by playing in the Legend Mode.
File:00487.png - Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you win an Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb or Griseous Orb respectively from their Boss Battles. Special Rumbling Maps are required for this.
- Heatran can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you win a Magma Stone from its Boss Battle. A Special Rumbling Map is required for this.
- Regigigas can be summoned in the Royal Tunnel by placing Relicanth, Regice, Registeel and Regirock in your party and completing a small quest. You need to unlock the Endless Path first for the small quest to be available.
- Manaphy can be bought in the Game Center with Game Chips. Shiny Manaphy can be bought there as well, but for a higher price.
- File:488s.png File:491s.png - Cresselia and Darkrai can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you win the Yellow Lunar Wing and Red Lunar Wing respectively from their Boss Battles. Special Rumbling Maps as well as a specific moon phase are required for this.
- File:492s.png - Shaymin was available from 29/07/2013 to 25/08/2013 through a special event. It was then obtainable again every year through a Summer time Shaymin.
- Arceus can be obtained from Prof. Rowan after completing your Sinnoh Dex.
- It is breedable, but trade-locked.
- Victini can be obtained through Speed Click Saturday.
- Reshiram is a Legendary Pokémon that can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you solve the Reshiam Quest. In order to do the Quest you need to obtain a Light Stone from Mystery Boxes.
- Zekrom is a Legendary Pokémon that can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you solve the Zekrom Quest. In order to do the Quest you need to obtain a Dark Stone from Mystery Boxes.
- Kyurem is a Legendary Pokémon that was obtainable every year through the Frosty Creature event.
- Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion are obtainable through the the Berrygarden after Gardener level 30.
- Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus can be summoned at the Safari Zone by the Cold Rock, Light Rock and Hard Rock respectively.
- Keldeo is a Legendary Pokemon that is obtainable through the Tall Grass using the Resolute Stone, which can be obtained from Mystery Boxes.
- Meloetta can be purchased for Festival Points at Emera Square. Shiny Meloetta can also be bought there, though for a higher price.
- Genesect is obtained from Prof. Rowan after completing your Unova Dex.
- It is breedable, but trade-locked.
- Xerneas and Yveltal can be bought from the Gem Collector with gems.
Zygarde's 50% Forme can be bought from the Gem Collector with gems. The other forms can be obtained through merging gems.
- Diancie can be obtained from Prof. Rowan after completing your Kalos Dex.
- It is breedable, but trade-locked.
- Hoopa can be found through a special quest.
- Volcanion can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you win a Frozen Lava from its Boss Battle. A Special Rumbling Map is required for this.
- Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini can be obtained through Speed Click Saturday.
- Cosmog is a Legendary Pokemon that was first obtained through the Advent Calendar 2016. Now, it is obtainable through the Tall Grass using the Nebula Stone, which can be obtained through Rumbling. It can be evolved into Cosmoem and then Solgaleo and Lunala.
- Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Poipole, Stakataka, and Blacephalon can be obtained by doing the Ultra Beast Quest through the use of an Ultra Saddle.
- Marshadow was obtainable through the Halloween Event 2018 and 2019.
- Zeraora was obtainable through a winter Event from 22/Feb/2019 to 18/Mar/2019.
- Meltan can be found by searching in Tall Grass through the activation of a
Meltan Candy which are obtainable rarely from Mystery Boxes.
- Zacian and Zamazenta are Legendary Pokemon that were first obtained through Advent Calendar 2019. Now, they can be summoned through Ancient Cave with The Art of Combat and The Art of Defense.
Eternatus is a Legendary Pokémon which can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you have an Eternal Rock which can be found at the Emera Beach during a thunderstorm.
- Regieleki and Regidrago can be found in the Royal Tunnel by completing the Split-Decision Path for the first time. They can also be found randomly by playing the Endless Path after unlocking it (even in their shiny forms).