Evolving Pokemon
Pokémon on Pokéheroes evolve when they reach a specific level. To find out what level a certain Pokemon evolves at, you should always use Bulbapedia or any other Pokémon encyclopedia.
This guide is about evolving Pokemon who need specific requirements to evolve.
Item Evolution
To evolve a Pokémon with an Evolution Item, you will need to go to your Item Bag which can be accessed by hovering over 'Home'. You will then need to click the 'Evo. Stones' tab and then click "Use" next to the required Item. Then choose the right Pokémon from your Party/Storage Boxes and it will evolve (as long as the item fits for this Pokémon).
- Dusk Stone
- Witch Vulpix → Magic Ninetales
- Murkrow → Honchkrow
- Misdreavus → Mismagius
- Lampent → Chandelure
- Doublade → Aegislash
- Rockruff → Lycanroc (Dusk)
- Ice Stone
- Sandshrew (Alolan) → Sandslash (Alolan)
- Vulpix (Alolan) → Ninetales (Alolan)
- Darumaka (Galarian) → Darmanitan (Galarian)
- Woopice → Quagschnee
- Leaf Stone
- Gloom → Vileplume
- Weepinbell → Victreebel
- Exeggcute → Exeggutor
- Disguised Exeggcute → Disguised Exeggutor
- Nuzleaf → Shiftry
- Pansage → Simisage
- Sproutlett → Sproutrio
- Moon Stone
- Nidorina → Nidoqueen
- Nidorino → Nidoking
- Clefairy → Clefable
- Clawfairy → Nessy
- Jigglypuff → Wigglytuff
- Skitty → Delcatty
- Munna → Musharna
- Nightmare Munna → Nightmare Musharna
- Oval Stone
- Happiny → Chansey (don't use the item but give it to Happiny and level it up during the day!)
- Shiny Stone
- Nosepharos → Probolight
- Togetic → Togekiss
- Roselia → Roserade
- Minccino → Cinccino
- Floette → Florges
- Floette (Sakura) → Florges (Sakura)
- Floette (Eternal Flower) → Florges (Eternal Flower)
- Sun Stone
- Gloom → Bellossom
- Sunkern → Sunflora
- Cottonee → Whimsicott
- Petilil → Lilligant
- Helioptile → Heliolisk
- Water Stone
- Poliwhirl → Poliwrath
- Shellder → Cloyster
- Staryu → Starmie
- Lombre → Ludicolo
- Panpour → Simipour
- Weather Balloon
- Castform → different forms depending on the weather
- Lava Cookie
- Obsidianix → Obsidialix
Happiness Evolution
To evolve a Pokémon that normally evolves with a high Happiness stat, you need to use a Soothe Bell . It's sometimes available at the Item Shop for 2000
If your Trainerlevel is 11 or higher, you can give your Pokémon Acupuncture at the Salon for 4000 to raise its Happiness and evolve it after 15 minutes.
- Golbat → Crobat
- Chansey → Blissey
- Pichu → Pikachu
- Satichu → Satochu
- Cleffa → Clefairy
- Clawfa → Clawfairy
- Igglybuff → Jigglypuff
- Togepi → Togetic
- Azurill → Marill
- Budew → Roselia
- Buneary → Lopunny
- Easter Buneary → Easter Lopunny
- Chingling → Chimecho
- Munchlax → Snorlax
- Sugar Shock → Candy Belly
- Riolu → Lucario
- Rokkyu → Lucario-sensei
- Woobat → Swoobat
- Swadloon → Leavanny
- Meowth (Alolan) → Persian (Alolan)
- Type: Null → Silvally
Move Evolution
Since Pokémon can't learn any moves on PokéHeroes, the Pokémon that would normally evolve by learning a specific move have to be evolved differently here. The Pokémon evolves when reaching the level on which it would learn this move in the original game series or are set to a specific level if a different action in the game is required:
- Aipom at Level 32
- Bonsly at Level 17
- Clobbopus at Level 35
- Inkay at Level 30
- Lickitung at Level 33
- Mime Jr. at Level 18
- Piloswine at Level 50
- Poipole at Level 40
- Steenee at Level 29
- Tangela at Level 36
- Yanma at Level 33
Trade Evolution
Just like in the original games, Pokémon listed below need to be traded with another user to make them evolve. (Please note that buying Pokémon at an auction also counts as trading! So unless the Pokémon is holding an Everstone, it will evolve once being transferred to your account.)
- Kadabra → Alakazam
- Autumn Kadabra → Autumn Alakazam
- Machoke → Machamp
- Graveler → Golem
- Graveler (Alolan) → Golem (Alolan)
- Haunter → Gengar
- Boldore → Gigalith
- Gurrdurr → Conkeldurr
- Phantump → Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo → Gourgeist
Item Trade Evolution
Just like in the original games except for some evolutions, Pokémon listed below need to be traded with another user to make them evolve while holding their respective items. (Please note that buying Pokémon at an auction also counts as trading! So unless the Pokémon isn't holding it's respective trade evolution item, it will evolve once being transferred to your account.)
- Rhydon evolves into Rhyperior when holding a Protector
via trade
- Seadra evolves into Kingdra when holding a Dragon Scale
via trade
- Electabuzz evolves into Electivire when holding an Electirizer
via trade
- Magmar evolves into Magmortar when holding a Magmarizer
via trade
- Porygon evolves into Porygon2 when holding a Up-Grade
via trade
- Porygon2 evolves into Porygon-Z when holding a Dubious Disc
via trade
- Feebas evolves into Milotic when holding a Prism Scale
via trade
- Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir when holding a Reaper Cloth
via trade
- Clamperl evolves into Gorebyss when holding a DeepSeaScale
via trade
- Clamperl evolves into Huntail when holding a DeepSeaTooth
via trade
- Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse when holding a Sachet
via trade
- Swirlix evolves into Slurpuff when holding a Whipped Dream
via trade
- Slugua evolves into Aquargo when holding a Shoal Shell
via trade
- Eevee evolves into Flareon using a Fire Stone
- Eevee evolves into Vaporeon using a Water Stone
- Eevee evolves into Jolteon using a Thunder Stone
- Eevee evolves into Espeon when holding a Soothe Bell
and using a Sun Stone
- Eevee evolves into Umbreon when holding a Soothe Bell
and using a Moon Stone
- Eevee evolves into Leafeon through Rumbling in the Mossy Forest
- Eevee evolves into Glaceon through Rumbling in the Snowy Mountains
- Eevee evolves into Sylveon through Rumbling in the Playground
Day & Night Evolution
Just like in the original games, some Pokémon can only evolve during the daytime, or nighttime.
- Happiny evolves into Chansey when leveling up during the daytime while holding a Oval Stone
- Gligar evolves into Gliscor when leveling up during the nighttime while holding a Razor Fang
- Sneasel evolves into Weavile when leveling up during the nighttime while holding a Razor Claw
- Tyrunt evolves into Tyrantrum starting at level 39 during the daytime
- Amaura evolves into Aurorus starting at level 39 during the nighttime
- Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc (Midday) starting at level 25 during the daytime
- Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc (Midnight) starting at level 25 during the nighttime
- Cosmoem evolves into Solgaleo starting at level 53 during the daytime
- Cosmoem evolves into Lunala starting at level 53 during the nighttime
- Snom evolves into Frosmoth when leveling up during the nighttime while holding a Soothe Bell
Karrablast & Shelmet
As you may know, Karrablast and Shelmet would usually evolve by trading one for the other. However, it works slightly different on PokéHeroes. In order to make those two evolve, you have to trade one whilst the other is in the recipent's party (i.e trading a Karrablast to somebody who has Shelmet in their party).
Rumble Evolution
- Magneton evolves into Magnezone through Rumbling in the Lightstone Cave.
- Nosepass evolves into Probopass through Rumbling in the Lightstone Cave.
- Nosepharos evolves into Probolight through Rumbling in the Lightstone Cave.
- Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt through Rumbling in the Lightstone Cave.
- Crabrawler evolves into Crabominable through Rumbling in the Snowy Mountains.
Unique Conditions
- Tyrogue evolves into Hitmonlee (Attack > Defense), Hitmonchan (Attack < Defense), Hitmontop (Attack = Defense) starting at level 20.
- Pancham evolves into Pangoro starting at level 32 if there is another Dark-type Pokémon in the user's party.
- Mantyke evolves into Mantine if it levels up whilst having a Remoraid in the user's party.
- Sliggoo evolves into Goodra starting at level 50 if the Weather is
- Applin evolves into Flapple or Appletun by sitting in the party and visiting the Honeytree. For more information, check this article.
- Milcery evolves into Alcremie by using the Wheel of Fortune in the Game Center. For more information, check this article.
Mega Evolution
In generation 6 Mega Pokémon have been introduced. To mega evolve your Pokémon on PokéHeroes you need to give them a Mega Stone and level them up to Level 50. For more information, check this article.