Retro Pokémon

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Retro Pokemon are Pokemon with Gen 1-3 sprites. They are not breedable.

Obtaining Retro Pokémon

Not all the Retro Pokémon are obtainable currently, but some can be obtained by purchasing Premium-ship.


  • - Retro Magikarp is currently only once obtainable as a gift from Prof. Rowan for helping him in a quest.
  • - Retro Mew can be obtained as a voucher when purchasing 1 year Premium membership.
  • - Retro Marill was an event Pokemon obtainable from 22/May/2018 to 12/Jun/2018 through the Johto Apricorn Battle. You were able to win one every day if you make Top 50.
  • - Retro Togepi can be obtained from the Daycare. After adopting 500 eggs from the daycare, the owner will ask you if you would like to take care of a mysterious egg. You can get another Retro Togepi for every 500 eggs you adopt form the Daycare.