Retro Pokémon
Retro Pokemon are Pokemon with Gen 1-3 sprites. They are not breedable.
Obtaining Retro Pokémon
Not all the Retro Pokémon are obtainable currently, but some can be obtained by purchasing Premium ship.
- Retro Bulbasaur, Retro Charmander, and Retro Squirtle can be obtained as vouchers when purchasing 1 Month + Premium Ship.
- Retro Pikachu was an event Pokemon obtainable from 22/Jul/2013 to 28/Jul/2013. It was then made obtainable again during the Retro Pikachu Event through the Yellow Forest.
- Retro Magikarp is currently only once obtainable as a gift from Prof. Rowan for helping him in a quest.
- Retro Mew can be obtained as a voucher when purchasing 1 year Premium Ship.
- Retro Chikorita, Retro Cyndaquil, Retro Totodile, Retro Sentret and Retro Hoothoot can be obtained as daily awards from the Contentration Game.
- Retro Togepi can be obtained from the Daycare. After adopting 500 eggs from the daycare, the owner will ask you one day if you would like to take care of a mysterious egg.
- Retro Delibird was rarely obtainable through Christmas gifts during the Advent time. [2013 / 2014 / 2015]
- Retro Poochyena, Retro Zigzagoon, and Retro Taillow was obtained during 'Month of Hoenn', from 18/01/14 to 31/01/14. It was then made obtainable again during the ORAS Event through the Route 102 Rumble Area.
- Retro Ducklett was obtainable during the admin's birthday for 1 day. 04/04/14. It is no longer obtainable.