Legendary Pokémon

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Legendary Pokémon are powerful and rare Pokémon. Therefore they are more difficult to find than normal or most Event Pokémon.

Obtaining Legendaries

Not all the Legendary Pokémon are obtainable currently. This page will list all the legendary Pokemon currently available on the site.


  • - Mewtwo was given out as a prize of two Speed Click Events and Chatquiz events on the Herochat. It's not currently obtainable.
  • File:151s.png - Mew was given out to all the users from 01/07/2013 to 14/07/2013. It's not currently obtainable, but the Retro version is.


  • - Raikou, Entei and Suicune can be bought in the Game Center with Game Chips. Their shiny versions can be bought as well there, but for a higher price.
  • - Lugia can be won at the Pokémon Lottery by having 4 matching Pokémon in a drawing. Shiny Lugia can be won by having all the 5 matching Pokemon.


  • - Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza can be summoned in the Ancient Cave if you won a Sapphire, Ruby or Jade, respectively from their Boss Battle. (Requires Special Rumble Maps)


  • - Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf can be won at the Golden Slot by playing in the Legend Mode.
  • - Manaphy can be bought in the Game Center with Game Chips. Shiny Manaphy can be bought there as well, but for a higher price.
  • File:492s.png - Shaymin was available from 29/07/2013 to 25/08/2013 through a special event. It's not currently obtainable.


  • - Kyurem is a Legendary Pokémon that was obtainable from 04/12/2013 to 19/03/2014, through A Frosty Creature event. It's not currently obtainable.
