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[[File:Screenshot_6889.png|200px|left|thumb|Viewing your plushies on your userprofile]] There are 11 categories in which plushies are sorted. As of 27/Dec/2019, there are a total of...
[[File:Screenshot_6889.png|200px|left|thumb|Viewing your plushies on your userprofile]] There are 11 categories in which plushies are sorted. As of 24/June/2020, there are a total of...

* 142 Plushies in the "Kanto" category.  
* 142 Plushies in the "Kanto" category.  

Revision as of 13:54, 24 June 2020

Dream World Shop banner - Art by Requiem

The Dream World shop is a Plushie shop which can be accessed through the Emera Mall. Users are able to collect Dream Points, and with the Dream Points, they can buy Pokemon Plushies for other users. You can get Dream Points by completing certain tasks or by the power of your nuggets. [More information below]


Viewing your plushies on your userprofile

There are 11 categories in which plushies are sorted. As of 24/June/2020, there are a total of...

  • 142 Plushies in the "Kanto" category.
  • 98 Plushies in the "Johto" category.
  • 107 Plushies in the "Hoenn" category.
  • 94 Plushies in the "Sinnoh" category.
  • 102 Plushies in the "Unova" category.
  • 41 Plushies in the "Kalos" category.
  • 38 Plushies in the "Alola" category.
  • 13 Plushies in the "Galar" category.
  • 11 Plushies in the "Shiny" category.
  • 27 Plushies in the "Limited" category. (counted as part of their respective regions)
  • 64 Event Plushies

The 24 newest plushies and 24 most popular plushies are also shown in the "Newest" and "Popular" categories, respectively, whereas the "Favorites" category is selected by the specific user.

Total Plushies currently: 737

Rarer plushies cost more Dream points. More plushies will be added if the 'Stock Extension' goal is reached. It is a global challenge where users need to spend a specific amount of Dream Points so a number of plushies are added. This goal can be viewed on the Dream World Shop page - by scrolling down.

The Stock Extension goal.

You can view all your plushies on your user-profile. Messages which came along with the plushies can be viewed by clicking "View gift log"

Once someone sends you a plushie, you will receive a notification. (Unless you have Plushie Notifications disabled)

Dream Points

They can be obtained here through Daily tasks, Hourly tasks, or by purchasing them with nuggets.


Hourly Tasks

Hourly Tasks are mini-tasks you can complete every hour. You can get some dream points for free, making interactions, exchanging gems, doing an activity in the Game Center, and by completing a specific amount of levels in the Royal Tunnel. The Royal Tunnel level goal changes once the tasks reset. The same goes for gems and Game Center tasks. The gem type changes, and the game center activity changes.

Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks are tasks which you can also complete daily. They change at server rest (00:00 Server Time). These tasks are quite harder and longer to complete than hourly tasks, but you have got a full 24 hours to complete them.


Nugget Offers

Users are also able to buy Dream Points and gain access to other perks by using Nuggets.

250 Dream Points for 100 Nuggets

Best Friends
1,500 Dream Points for 500 Nuggets

Friends for life
5,000 Dream Points for 1,500 Nuggets

Dream Level + 3
Increases your Dream Level by 3 for 30 days, allowing you to get more Dream Points for completing DW tasks.

Cost: First time purchase will be a trial (free). However, every purchase after will cost 250 Nuggets.

Note: Purchasing this will also increase your Dream Level past 8 (if your level is 6 or higher), which means the max possible Dream Level can be 11.

Dream Level

Your current Dream Level

In the Dream World shop, there is a Dream Level system. You can obtain Dream Experience by completing hourly and daily tasks. A higher dream world level increases the amount of dream points you get from completing tasks. The higher level you are, the harder it will be to level up.

Plushie Event Distribution

An event running

Event Plushies can be obtainable through the Plushie Event Distribution while an event is running. The event can be viewed above the Stock Extension goal.

Similar to the Event Pokemon Distribution, users need to meet a specific goal to obtain the event. In this case, users need to spend DP and meet the "DP Spent" goal in order to obtain the Event Plushie. These events can be obtained more than once, but the "DP Spent" goal will increase each time you meet the goal.

Plushie Event Database

These Plushie events are shown from newest to oldest.

  • Note-: Limited Plushies, such as Celebi and the Cosplay Pikachu, are restocked once in a while. They may be obtainable or unobtainable at times depending on the number of stock in the shop.

Image Name Description Date Obtainable
Pikachu The Pikachu plushie is obtainable as a gift after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.
  • 1st Pikachu can be obtained after spending 1000 DP
  • 2nd Pikachu can be obtained after spending 2500 DP
  • 3rd Pikachu can be obtained after spending 5000 DP
  • 4th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 10,000 DP
  • 5th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 25,000 DP
  • 6th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 50,000 DP
  • 7th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 100,000 DP
  • 8th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 250,000 DP
  • 9th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 500,000 DP
  • 10th Pikachu can be obtained after spending 1,000,000 DP
Achievement Plushie Always obtainable
Victini & Shiny Victini A normal Victini plushie requires 500 Dream Points to be spent. Every 5th Victini plushie will be shiny. 01/Feb/2020 to 14/Feb/2020 No longer obtainable
Shiny Mega Altaria & Shiny Spring Mareep Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 18/Jan/2020 to 31/Jan/2020 No longer obtainable
Shiny Stunky, Shiny Crabrawler & Shiny Blitzle Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 04/Jan/2020 to 17/Jan/2020 No longer obtainable
Shiny Dedenne, Shiny Nidoran (m) & Shiny Pidove Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 21/Dec/2019 to 03/Jan/2020 No longer obtainable
Ho-Oh & Shiny Ho-Oh A normal Ho-Oh plushie requires 500 Dream Points to be spent. Every 5th Ho-Oh plushie will be shiny. 07/Dec/2019 to 20/Dec/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Mega Ampharos & Shiny Breloom Plushie Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 23/Nov/2019 to 06/Dec/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Cubone, Shiny Luxray & Shiny Camerupt Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 09/Nov/2019 to 22/Nov/2019 No longer obtainable
Moltres Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 26/Oct/2019 to 08/Nov/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Mega Gengar & Shiny Raichu (Alolan) Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 12/Oct/2019 to 25/Oct/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Rattata, Shiny Crabrawler & Shiny Dedenne Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 28/Sep/2019 to 11/Oct/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Manectric, Shiny Mawile & Shiny Pidove Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 14/Sep/2019 to 27/Sep/2019 No longer obtainable
Zapdos Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 31/Aug/2019 to 13/Sep/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Quilavav & Shiny Torterra Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 17/Aug/2019 to 30/Aug/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Nidoran (f), Shiny Cubone & Shiny Camerupt Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 03/Aug/2019 to 16/Aug/2019 No longer obtainable

Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

20/Jul/2019 to 02/Aug/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Pidove, Shiny Mudbray & Shiny Mawile Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 23/Jun/2019 to 30/Jun/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Stunky, Shiny Luxray & Shiny Caterpie Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 09/Jun/2019 to 22/Jun/2019 No longer obtainable
Dialga & Shiny Dialga A normal Dialga plushie requires 500 Dream Points to be spent. Every 5th Dialga plushie will be shiny. 26/May/2019 to 08/Jun/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Bayleef & Shiny Spiritomb Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 12/May/2019 to 25/May/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Stufful, Shiny Dedenne & Shiny Crabrawler Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 28/Apr/2019 to 11/May/2019 No longer obtainable
Reshiram Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 14/Apr/2019 to 27/Apr/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Mega Gengar & Shiny Cottonblu Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 31/Mar/2019 to 13/Apr/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Blitzle, Shiny Nidoran (m) & Shiny Manectric Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 17/Mar/2019 to 30/Mar/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Bounsweet, Shiny Flygon & Shiny Stunky Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 03/Mar/2019 to 16/Mar/2019 No longer obtainable
MissingNo. & Shiny MissingNo. A normal MissingNo. plushie requires 500 Dream Points to be spent. Every 5th MissingNo. plushie will be shiny. 17/Feb/2019 to 02/Mar/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Infernape & Shiny Croconaw Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 03/Feb/2019 to 16/Feb/2019 No longer obtainable
Shiny Dedenne, Shiny Nidoran (f) & Shiny Caterpie Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 20/Jan/2019 to 02/Feb/2019 No longer obtainable
White & Black Kyurem

Obtainable rarely by opening Christmas Gifts during the Advent 2018 event.

10/Dec/2018 to 26/Dec/2018 No longer obtainable
Santa Bird

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Woopice Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Winter Numel Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Pachirisnow Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Shiny Bayleef, Shiny Quilava & Shiny Croconaw Obtainable by spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 14/Nov/2018 to 30/Nov/2018 No longer obtainable

Obtainable by exchanging Halloween Candies through the Halloween Event 2018

1,000 Candies for a Normal Giratina plushie.

10,000 Candies for a Shiny Giratina plushie.

27/Oct/2018 to 07/Nov/2018 No longer obtainable
Giratina (Origin) Giratina (Origin) and Shiny Giratina (Origin) plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP.
  • Normal Giratina (Origin) plushie required 500 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Giratina (Origin) plushie required 6,500 Dream Points spent.
27/Oct/2018 to 07/Nov/2018 No longer obtainable
Pumple Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Shiny Nidoran (f) & Shiny Nidoran (m) Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points. 27/Sep/2018 to 05/Oct/2018 No longer obtainable
Shaymin (Sky) A normal Shaymin (Sky) plushie required 250 Dream Points to be spent. Shiny Shaymin (Sky) plushies were also obtainable every 5 Shaymin (Sky) plushies. 03/Aug/2018 to 19/Aug/2018 No longer obtainable
Gloweon Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Mew A normal Mew plushie required 500 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after July 17th, 2018. Shiny Mew plushies were also obtainable every 5 Mew plushies. 01/July/2019 to 19/July/2019 No
Reshiram & Zekrom

Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

22/May/2018 to 10/Jun/2018 No longer obtainable
Lugia & Ho-Oh

Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

21/Feb/2018 to 04/Mar/2018 No longer obtainable
Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres

Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

03/Jan/2018 to 16/Jan/2018 No longer obtainable

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie No longer obtainable
White & Black Kyurem

Obtainable rarely by opening Christmas Gifts during the Advent 2017 event.

10/Dec/2017 to 26/Dec/2017 No longer obtainable
Christmas Skiddo

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

20/Dec/2017 No longer obtainable.
Santa Bird

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by exchanging Halloween Candies through the Halloween Event 2017

1,000 Candies for a Normal Giratina plushie.

10,000 Candies for a Shiny Giratina plushie.

20/Oct/2017 to 01/Nov/2017 No longer obtainable

Obtainable as one of the three gifts Shaymin can give you during the Summer time Shaymin event. Shiny Shaymin plushies were obtainable for every 5 Shaymin plushies collected.

01/Aug/2017 to 31/Aug/2017 No Longer Obtainable
Mew A normal Mew plushie required 500 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after July 17th, 2017. Shiny Mew plushies were also obtainable every 5 Mew plushies. 01/July/2017 to 16/July/2017 No longer obtainable
Shiny Stufful Shiny Stufful Plushies were the third obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points. 04/Jun/2017 to 07/Jun/2017 No longer obtainable
Shiny Mudbray Shiny MudbrayPlushies were the second obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points. 31/May/2017 to 03/Jun/2017 No longer obtainable
Shiny Crabrawler Shiny Crabrawler Plushies were the first obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points. 27/May/2017 to 30/May/2017 No longer obtainable
Spring Mareep Obtainable by sending it to someone for 75 Dream Points Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Shiny Spring Mareep Shiny Spring Mareep Plushies were the third of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points. 14/Feb/2017 to 14/Feb/2017 No longer obtainable
Shiny Heartomb

Shiny Heartomb Plushies were the second of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a total of 750 Dream Points.

11/Feb/2017 to 13/Feb/2017 No Longer Obtainable
Shiny Cottonblu

Shiny Cottonblu Plushies were the first of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a total of 500 Dream Points.

08/Feb/2017 to 10/Feb/2017 No Longer Obtainable
White & Black Kyurem

Obtainable rarely by opening Christmas Gifts during the Advent 2016 event.

10/Dec/2016 to 26/Dec/2016 No longer obtainable

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie No longer obtainable
Christmas Skiddo

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie No longer obtainable.
Santa Bird

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres

Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

Sep/2016 No Longer Obtainable

Obtainable as one of the three gifts Shaymin can give you during the Summer time Shaymin event. Shiny Shaymin plushies were obtainable for every 5 Shaymin plushies collected.

28/Jul/2016 to 04/Sep/2016 No Longer Obtainable
Mew A normal Mew plushie required 500 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after July 17th, 2016. Shiny Mew plushies were also obtainable every 5 Mew plushies. 01/Jul/2016 to 15/Jul/2016 No longer obtainable
Super Shroom

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 75 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Shiny Sharpedo

Shiny Sharpedo Plushies were the third obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points

24/May/2016 to 28/May/2016 No longer obtainable
Shiny Cubone

Shiny Cubone Plushies were the second obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points

19/May/2016 to 23/May/2016 No longer obtainable
Shiny Breloom

Shiny Breloom Plushies were the first obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points

14/Mar/2016 to 18/Mar/2016 No longer obtainable

Manaphy and Shiny Manaphy plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP

  • Normal Manaphy plushies required 250 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Manaphy plushies were the 5th Manaphy plushie obtained in a row - requiring 3,750 Dream Points spent.
07/Mar/2016 to 27/Mar/2016 No longer obtainable

Victini and Shiny Victini plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP

  • Normal Victini plushies required 500 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Victini plushies were the 5th Victini plushie obtained in a row - requiring 7,500 Dream Points spent.
03/Jan/2016 to 23/Jan/2016 No longer obtainable
White & Black Kyurem

Obtainable rarely by opening Christmas Gifts during the Advent 2015 event.

10/Dec/2015 to 26/Dec/2015 No longer obtainable

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie No longer obtainable
Christmas Skiddo

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie No longer obtainable.
Santa Bird

Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 100 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 100 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 100 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable as one of the three gifts Shaymin can give you during the Summer time Shaymin event.

30/July/2015 to 10/Sep/2015 No Longer Obtainable
Mew A normal Mew plushie required 500 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after August 5th, 2015. Shiny Mew plushies were also obtainable every 5 Mew plushies. 17/July/2015 to 05/Aug/2015 No longer obtainable
Rayquaza Rayquaza and Shiny Rayquaza plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP.
  • Normal Rayquaza plushie required 500 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Rayquaza plushie required 7,500 Dream Points spent.
07/June/2015 to 30/June/2015 No longer obtainable

Victini and shiny Victini plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP.

  • Normal Victini plushie required 500 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Victini plushie were the 5th Victini plushie obtained in a row - requiring 7,500 Dream Points spent.
01/Apr/2015 to 30/Apr/2015 No Longer Obtainable
Winter Fennekin

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 60 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
White & Black Kyurem

Obtainable rarely by opening Christmas Gifts during the Advent 2014 event.

10/Dec/2014 to 26/Dec/2014 No longer obtainable

Obtainable by sending it to someone for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to someone for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by exchanging Halloween Candies through the Halloween Event 2014.

1000 Candies for a Normal Giratina plushie.

10,000 Candies for a Shiny Giratina plushie.

16/Oct/2014 to 01/Nov/2014 No longer obtainable

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable as one of the three gifts Shaymin can give you during the Summer time Shaymin 2014 event.

23/July/2014 to 25/Aug/2014 No Longer Obtainable

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock

Obtainable by sending it to a user for 250 Dream Points.

Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Mew A normal Mew plushie required 300 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after July 14th, 2014. 01/July/2014 to 14/July/2014 No longer obtainable
Rayquaza Rayquaza and Shiny Rayquaza plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP.
  • Normal Rayquaza plushie required 300 Dream Points spent.
  • Shiny Rayquaza plushie required 4,500 Dream Points spent.
06/June/2014 to 30/June/2014 No longer obtainable
Raikou Obtainable by sending it to a user for 150 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Entei Obtainable by sending it to a user for 150 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock
Suicune Obtainable by sending it to a user for 150 Dream Points. Limited Plushie Currently out of stock