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Only Pokemon which can mega evolve in Pokemon X and Y can mega evolve on Pokeheroes. Pokeheroes Event Pokemon can also Mega Evolve.  
Pokémon whose mega evolutions exists in Pokémon X & Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire can mega evolve on PokéHeroes. Additionally, some "fake" Mega Evolutions exist on PokéHeroes as well.

Only a Pokemon with a Mega Bubble icon on it's summary page will be able to mega evolve.
Only a Pokemon with a mega bubble icon on its summary page will be able to mega evolve.

==How to get Mega Pokemon==  
==Hatching Mega-Able Pokemon==  
[[File:SummaryMegaBubble.png|100px|thumb|left|Mega Bubble on a Pokemon's summary page.]] Only Pokemon on [ this] list are capable of mega evolving - and on the Event Pokemon list below.
[[File:SummaryMegaBubble.png|270px|thumb|left|Mega Bubble on a Pokemon's summary page.]] Only Pokemon on [ this list] and on the PokéHeroes Exclusive list below are capable of mega evolving.
A Pokemon may '''randomly''' hatch out from a normal egg with a 'Mega bubble' on it's summary page.  
A Pokemon may '''randomly''' hatch from a normal egg with a 'mega bubble' (often referred to as ''mega-ability'') on its summary page. This allows the Pokémon to later mega evolve with the help of a Mega Stone. When a Pokémon hatches without this mega bubble, it will never be capable of performing a mega evolution.
Some Mega Powered Pokemon are/were obtainable through special events, Such as; Mega Powered X and Y Mewtwo, Mega Powered Torchic, and Mega Powered Charizard X and Y.

==How to get a Mega Stone==
The odds of hatching a mega-able Pokémon are generally rather low. They can, however, be increased with different items and breeding techniques:
There are currently two ways to obtain a Mega Stone. You may get one by boiling it in the [[Gem Cauldron]]. It is the rarest item (and the hardest) to get from the Gem Cauldron. You can also find one when playing the Treasure Hunt game in the [[Game Center]].
Some Mega Stones can also be obtained through special events.

==How to mega evolve Pokemon==
===Mega Bracelet===
To Mega Evolve your Mega Powered Pokemon, you will need to give it a Mega Stone '''to hold'''. (This can be done through the item bag) Once the Pokemon reaches level 50, it will evolve and the Mega Stone will disappear. Mega Evolutions '''are not''' reversible
The [[Mega Bracelet]], which is obtained after finishing the 4th set of badges, permanently raises your chance of hatching mega-able Pokémon by 25%.

===Mega Cuff===
The [[Mega Cuff]], which can be bought at the Item Shop (Special section) in exchange for Nuggets, raises your chance of hatching mega-able Pokémon by 500% for 30 days.

==Mega Evolving Event Pokemon==
===Influence of IVs===
The only PH event Pokemon which can be mega evolved are [[Festival Gardevoir]], [[Lucario-sensei]], [[Spring Ampharos]], [[Summer Ampharos]] and [[Autumn Alakazam]]
The [[Individual Values]] of an egg influence its chance of having a mega-ability. The higher its total IVs, the higher are the odds of a mega-ability. A Pokémon with perfect IVs has a roughly 4-times higher chance of hatching with a mega-ability compared to a Pokémon with zero IVs. This is mostly rather unimportant, however, since IVs are generally assigned randomly and thus just contribute to the overall randomness of the mega-ability process.

[[Retro Charmander]], [[Retro Bulbasaur]] and [[Retro Squirtle]]  may hatch with a mega bubble on their summary page, but currently '''cannot''' be mega evolved, but may in the future.
It is worth to note, however, that when careful IV breeding is used, it is technically possible to actively increase the odds of hatching a mega-able Pokémon compared to just using a random breeding couple at the daycare. When a breeding couple with perfect IVs and both holding a Destiny Knot is used, the odds of a mega-able offspring are about 50% higher compared to regular random breeding. Parent Pokémon with only partial perfect IVs also increase the odds (just with a less strong effect), thus it can be considered to use them for breeding mega-able eggs.
==Mega Evolution==
To mega evolve your Pokemon with a mega ability, you will need to give it a [[Mega Stone]] '''to hold''' (This can be done through the item bag). Once the Pokemon reaches level 50, it will evolve and the [[Mega Stone]] will disappear. Mega Evolutions are '''permanent''' and '''irreversible'''.
==Mega Evolving Event Pokémon & PokéHeroes exclusives==
The only Event-Pokemon which can be mega evolved are:<br>
[[Autumn Alakazam]], [[Yorebro]], [[Autumn Ampharos]], [[Spring Ampharos]], [[Summer Ampharos]],  [[Winter Ampharos]], [[Obsidialix]], [[Skarigami]], [[Mecha Tyranitar]], [[Robin Blaze]], [[Festival Gardevoir]], [[Crystal Aggron]], [[Winter Camerupt]], [[Candaria]], [[Banettenstein‎]], [[Sala da Menci]], [[Lord Salamence]], [[Easter Lopunny]], [[Lucario-sensei]]
The regular Pokemon which can additionally be mega evolved are:<br>
[[Arcanine]], [[Rapidash]], [[Rapidash (Galarian)]], [[Mr. Mime]],[[Meganium]], [[Typhlosion]], [[Crobat]], [[Dunsparce]], [[Skarmory]], [[Flygon]], [[Claydol]], [[Milotic]], [[Luxray]], [[Electivire]], [[Froslass]], [[Gothitelle]], [[Zoroark]], [[Braviary]], [[Frosmoth]]
[[Retro Charmander]], [[Retro Bulbasaur]] and [[Retro Squirtle]]  may hatch with a mega bubble on their summary page, but currently '''cannot''' be mega evolved.
<center>''The following Megas are in National Dex order!''</center>
<div style="float:left; color:#FFFFFF" align="center">_____________</div><div width="100%" align="center"><div style="float:left" align="center" id="dynamax">
{| border="2" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="padding:0px auto; max-width: 400px; "
{| border="2" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="padding:0px auto; max-width: 400px; "
!  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #606060;  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Normal Sprites
!  style="text-align:center; border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent" colspan="3"|EVENT MEGAS
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #606060; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|*
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #606060; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Mega Sprites
! style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Normal Sprites
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|*
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Mega Sprites
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0448s.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:065a.png]]
[[Autumn Alakazam]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|to
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0448sm.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:065am.png]]
Mega [[Lucario-sensei]]
Mega [[Autumn Alakazam]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078h.png]]
[[Cursed Rapidash]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078mh.png]]
Mega [[Cursed Rapidash]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:Pkmnimage_(8).png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:080ms.png]]
Mega [[Yorebro]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181au.png]]
[[Autumn Ampharos]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181am.png]]
Mega [[Autumn Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181s.png]]
[[Spring Ampharos]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181sm.png]]
Mega [[Spring Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0181su.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181su.png]]
[[Summer Ampharos]]
[[Summer Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|to
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0181pm.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181pm.png]]
Mega [[Summer Ampharos]]
Mega [[Summer Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0181s.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181w.png]]
[[Spring Ampharos]]
[[Winter Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|to
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0181sm.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0181mw.png]]
Mega [[Spring Ampharos]]
Mega [[Winter Ampharos]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0208o.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0208mo.png]]
Mega [[Obsidialix]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0227o.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0227mo.png]]
Mega [[Skarigami]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0248e.png]]
[[Mecha Tyranitar]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0248em.png]]
Mega [[Mecha Tyranitar]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0257r.png]]
[[Robin Blaze]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0257mr.png]]
Mega [[Robin Blaze]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:Festival-Gardevoir.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:Festival-Gardevoir.png]]
[[Festival Gardevoir]]
[[Festival Gardevoir]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|to
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:0282km.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0282km.png]]
Mega [[Festival Gardevoir]]
Mega [[Festival Gardevoir]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:065a.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0306c.png]]
[[Autumn Alakazam]]
[[Crystal Aggron]]
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|to
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #606060; text-align:center"|[[File:065am.png]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0306cm.png]]
Mega [[Autumn Alakazam]]
Mega [[Crystal Aggron]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:Pkmnimage.winter camerupt.png]]
[[Winter Camerupt]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0323wm.png]]
Mega [[Winter Camerupt]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0334c.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0334mc.png]]
Mega [[Candaria]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0354z.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0354mz.png]]
Mega [[Banettenstein‎]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0373a.png]]
[[Sala da Menci]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0373ma.png]]
Mega [[Sala da Menci]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0373s.png]]
[[Lord Salamence]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0373ms.png]]
Mega [[Lord Salamence]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0428e.png]]
[[Easter Lopunny]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0428me.png]]
Mega [[Easter Lopunny]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0448s.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0448sm.png]]
Mega [[Lucario-sensei]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0719e.png]]
[[Diancie (Emera)]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0719me.png]]
Mega [[Diancie (Emera)]]
</div><div style="float:right; color:#FFFFFF" align="center">_____________</div><div style="float:right" align="center">
{| border="2" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="padding:0px auto; max-width: 400px; "
!  style="text-align:center; border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent" colspan="3"|EXCLUSIVE MEGAS
!  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Normal Sprites
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|*
! colspan="1"  style="text-align:center;border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #4e8aa5, #d2e1e9) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;"|Mega Sprites
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:059.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:059m.png]]
Mega [[Arcanine]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078m.png]]
Mega [[Rapidash]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078g.png]]
[[Rapidash (Galarian)]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:078mg.png]]
Mega [[Rapidash (Galarian)]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0122.png]]
[[Mr. Mime]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0122me.png]]
Mega [[Mr. Mime]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0154.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0154m.png]]
Mega [[Meganium]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0157.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0157m.png]]
Mega [[Typhlosion]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0169.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0169m.png]]
Mega [[Crobat]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0206.png]]
[[Mega Dunsparce|Dunsparce]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0206m.png]]
Mega [[Mega Dunsparce|Dunsparce]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0227.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0227m.png]]
Mega [[Skarmory]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0330.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0330m.png]]
Mega [[Flygon]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0344.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0344m.png]]
Mega [[Claydol]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0350.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0350m.png]]
Mega [[Milotic]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0405.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0405m.png]]
Mega [[Luxray]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0466.png]]
[[Mega Electivire|Electivire]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0466m.png]]
Mega [[Mega Electivire|Electivire]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0478.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0478m.png]]
Mega [[Froslass]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0571.png]]
| style="border:0.5px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center; zoom: 200%"|❯
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0571m.png]]
Mega [[Zoroark]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0576.png]]
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| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0576m.png]]
Mega [[Gothitelle]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0628.png]]
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| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0628m.png]]
Mega [[Braviary]]
| style="border:1px solid #00008b; background-color: #b1d6e4;text-align:center"|[[File:0873.png]]
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Mega [[Frosmoth]]

Revision as of 08:46, 20 November 2024

Pokémon whose mega evolutions exists in Pokémon X & Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire can mega evolve on PokéHeroes. Additionally, some "fake" Mega Evolutions exist on PokéHeroes as well.

Only a Pokemon with a mega bubble icon on its summary page will be able to mega evolve.

Hatching Mega-Able Pokemon

Mega Bubble on a Pokemon's summary page.

Only Pokemon on this list and on the PokéHeroes Exclusive list below are capable of mega evolving.

A Pokemon may randomly hatch from a normal egg with a 'mega bubble' (often referred to as mega-ability) on its summary page. This allows the Pokémon to later mega evolve with the help of a Mega Stone. When a Pokémon hatches without this mega bubble, it will never be capable of performing a mega evolution.

The odds of hatching a mega-able Pokémon are generally rather low. They can, however, be increased with different items and breeding techniques:

Mega Bracelet

The Mega Bracelet, which is obtained after finishing the 4th set of badges, permanently raises your chance of hatching mega-able Pokémon by 25%.

Mega Cuff

The Mega Cuff, which can be bought at the Item Shop (Special section) in exchange for Nuggets, raises your chance of hatching mega-able Pokémon by 500% for 30 days.

Influence of IVs

The Individual Values of an egg influence its chance of having a mega-ability. The higher its total IVs, the higher are the odds of a mega-ability. A Pokémon with perfect IVs has a roughly 4-times higher chance of hatching with a mega-ability compared to a Pokémon with zero IVs. This is mostly rather unimportant, however, since IVs are generally assigned randomly and thus just contribute to the overall randomness of the mega-ability process.

It is worth to note, however, that when careful IV breeding is used, it is technically possible to actively increase the odds of hatching a mega-able Pokémon compared to just using a random breeding couple at the daycare. When a breeding couple with perfect IVs and both holding a Destiny Knot is used, the odds of a mega-able offspring are about 50% higher compared to regular random breeding. Parent Pokémon with only partial perfect IVs also increase the odds (just with a less strong effect), thus it can be considered to use them for breeding mega-able eggs.

Mega Evolution

To mega evolve your Pokemon with a mega ability, you will need to give it a Mega Stone to hold (This can be done through the item bag). Once the Pokemon reaches level 50, it will evolve and the Mega Stone will disappear. Mega Evolutions are permanent and irreversible.

Mega Evolving Event Pokémon & PokéHeroes exclusives

The only Event-Pokemon which can be mega evolved are:
Autumn Alakazam, Yorebro, Autumn Ampharos, Spring Ampharos, Summer Ampharos, Winter Ampharos, Obsidialix, Skarigami, Mecha Tyranitar, Robin Blaze, Festival Gardevoir, Crystal Aggron, Winter Camerupt, Candaria, Banettenstein‎, Sala da Menci, Lord Salamence, Easter Lopunny, Lucario-sensei

The regular Pokemon which can additionally be mega evolved are:
Arcanine, Rapidash, Rapidash (Galarian), Mr. Mime,Meganium, Typhlosion, Crobat, Dunsparce, Skarmory, Flygon, Claydol, Milotic, Luxray, Electivire, Froslass, Gothitelle, Zoroark, Braviary, Frosmoth

Retro Charmander, Retro Bulbasaur and Retro Squirtle may hatch with a mega bubble on their summary page, but currently cannot be mega evolved.

The following Megas are in National Dex order!
Normal Sprites * Mega Sprites


Mega Arcanine


Mega Rapidash

Rapidash (Galarian)

Mega Rapidash (Galarian)

Mr. Mime

Mega Mr. Mime


Mega Meganium


Mega Typhlosion


Mega Crobat


Mega Dunsparce


Mega Skarmory


Mega Flygon


Mega Claydol


Mega Milotic


Mega Luxray


Mega Electivire


Mega Froslass


Mega Zoroark


Mega Gothitelle


Mega Braviary


Mega Frosmoth