Halloween Event 2020

The Halloween Event 2020 started the 24th of October and ends on the 2nd of November.
Like most years you are able to get different Halloween Event Pokémons in exchange for Halloween Sweets.
- There are total of 12 different Event Pokémon eggs to obtain:
- a new Retro Pokémon
- one old Legendary Marshadow
- 10 Events from previous years (Plaguekrow, Pumple, Zombeagle, Zomppet, Witch Vulpix, Sugar Shock, Dark Ponyta, Dralucha, Nightmare Munna and Disguised Exeggcute)
- In addition you are able to get three Forme-change items:
Misdreavus Cosplay and
Griseous Pearl
- Besides this you are also able to buy yourself a Shiny or Normal Giratina Plushie in exchange for Halloween Sweets.
Halloween Sweets
Halloween sweets are obtainable through trick-or-treating a user, rumbling and interacting. The Halloween Sweets can be used to exchange them for items or Pokemon in the Halloween Store.
To increase the amount of Halloween Sweets you can purchase the Halloween Items in the Halloween Store.
One of the possible ways to obtain Halloween Sweets is by Trick-or-treating a user.
Similarly to the previous Halloween Event, there was a the Trick-or-Treat function added onto everyone's Userprofile. By trick-or-treating a user, you will obtain some Halloween Sweets. Each user can only be Trick-or-treated once a day.

Users had five options to get candies from Trick-or-Treating others just like last year:
Depending on what the user chose as what scared them the most, you got more candy based on what you dressed up as.
The higher your Skill Level is, the more users you can trick-or-treat daily and the more sweets you will get by trick-or-treating them. You can also trick-or-treat two more users per day if you purchased a "Creepy Doll".
Another way to increase the amount of Halloween Sweets you get is by purchasing the
"Scary Glasses" item in the Halloween Store.
But be aware! This year it is possible to be attacked by rare Ghost Retro Pokémon (the new Retro event and their evolutions) searching for sweet candy during trick-or-treat'ing.
In order to catch them you need Balls in your Item Bag.

Another possible method to obtain Halloween sweets was through Interacting. The amount of Halloween sweets you can get through interacting can be increased by purchasing the "Large Candy Bag" from the Halloween Store.
The last method to obtain Halloween Sweets is through Rumbling. Users are able to get a small amount of Halloween Sweets from rumbling when they retrieve their Pokemon. The amount of sweets obtained through rumbling can be increased when purchasing the "Explorer Halloween Upgrade" item from the Halloween Store.
Trick or Treat Skills

The Trick-or-Treat level determines how much Halloween Candy you can obtain when Trick-or-Treating a user. The level can be increased by interacting up to level 10.