Ancient Cave
The Ancient Cave is a feature that is unlocked once reaching Trainerlevel 10. It allows the user to unlock quest of finding the 7 harvest sprites, summoning a Jirachi, and also resurrect fossils. Note-Ancient Cave is in the Alpha stage, it is currently used to access the quests but this may change in the future, and more quests will be added from time-to-time.
These quests are not time limited, so you have all the time you would need to find and obtain these quest Pokemon.
Harvest Sprite Quest

Seven Victini sprites were introduced as part of Pokeheroes very first quest in September 2013. The quest has no limit for time taken to complete the quest and also there is no set date for it to retire.
Upon visiting the Ancient Cave page you can also see how much progress you have.
Visiting the Sprites' house will give you a list of vague clues by clicking each sprite's image. If you wish to find more clues about the sprites simply click "need more hints?". This will redirect you to page giving you more detailed information. In past Pokeheroes Videos, Riako has revealed specifically how to get some of the harvest sprites! Feel free to check out our youtube channel to browse our videos.
Note-Obtaining hints any other way than listed above, (Ex. Asking other users) is strictly prohibited. This is considered cheating and unfair please do not violate this rule.
The harvest sprites:
Upon completion of the finding the harvest sprites listed there is also another special Victini called "Rainbow", by finding this sprite your quest will be officially completed!
Jirachi Quest

Jirachi can only be obtainable through the Ancient Cave. You must obtain 5 Star Pieces to summon it. Star pieces may be obtained through Rumbling (Star Pieces are one of the rare items which are possible to find through sending Pokemon on rumble missions). Your 5 star pieces will then be used when summoning Jirachi.
It is important to keep an empty space in your party to obtain it, as Jirachi arrives in its egg form.
Note- You can also chose other things to use your star pieces on, only one option will give you a Jirachi
Raylóng Hunt

Also Called "The hardest challenge on PokéHeroes". is a Quest released the 22/08/14. This quest is also permanent you may take as long as you need to complete it.
The legendary Pokémon, Raylóng, is part of a huge myth that is certainly popular in Emera Town. It is said, that only trainers who collect all 7 Jade Orbs, will be honored by the presence of the ancient green dragon. The Jade Orbs are hidden carefully in the whole town - and you can only find them after clearing very difficult quests. After you have obtained the Jade Orbs, you can summon a raylong in the cave. The raylong comes in a egg, so you must also have an open party space beforehand.
You are able to complete this quest multiple times.
The Weather Trio

Rayquaza, Groudon & Kyogre can be summoned in the Ancient cave only if you have a Jade, Ruby, or a Sapphire. Rubies/Sapphires/Emeralds can be obtained if you have got a Terra Map, a Sky Map, or a Marine Map. These special rumble mission maps can be found rarely in Mystery Boxes. Each map will unlock a special area.
→ Marine Cave (Marine Map)
→ Terra Cave (Terra Map)
→ Sky Pillar (Sky Map)
You can send your Pokemon out to explore these special areas; and it may take them days. However, each area also has special requirements; for example...
- The Sky Pillar can only be explored by a Flying type Pokémon.
- The Terra Cave can only be explored by Ground or Fire type Pokemon
- The Marine Cave can only be explored by Water type Pokemon.
Double type Pokemon also work. For example... You can send a Flying/Normal Pokemon to explore the Sky Pillar - You can send a Fire/Electric type Pokemon to explore the Terra cave, and so on.
Consider to get your Pokémon on a very high level before sending them on such a mission - they may be challenged by very strong Boss-Pokémon.
Your Pokemon will fight Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with an Emerald which you can use to summon Rayquaza in the Ancient Cave
Your Pokemon will fight Groudon in the Terra Cave. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with a Ruby which you can use to summon Groudon in the Ancient Cave
Your Pokemon will fight Kyogre in the Marine Cave. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with a Sapphire which you can use to summon Kyogre in the Ancient Cave
If your Pokemon looses the battle, it will return from the mission with the map. You may reuse the map as many times as you like until your Pokemon finally succeeds. If you do manage to defeat the legendary Pokemon, your map will disappear.
The Egg will be placed directly into your party and will break your chain.
On the front page of the ancient cave you may find a section that allows you revive any fossils you may have. Simply press "summon" and the egg will be placed in your party.
The pokemon you obtain corresponds to the fossil name.
Please note that these pokemon will break your shiny chain.