Event Database

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All the past events can be seen here.


Image Name Description Distribution Breedable
Mew First come, first served. Catch this rare mew to prove that you were one of the first users on this game!

No longer obtainable

01/Jul/2013 to 14/Jul/2013 No
File:025ret-egg.png Retro Pikachu Put yourself back in the old days and go for a walk with PIKACHU again.

No longer obtainable

22/Jul/2013 to 28/Jul/2013 No

Shaymin It's currently summer (at least in some parts of the world) and the heat is unbearable! But there's a Pokémon that really enjoys the sun and all the flowers of summer and was recently seen in Emera Town!

No longer obtainable

29/Jul/2013 to 25/Aug/2013 No
File:Slowyore-Egg.pngFile:Slowyore.pngFile:Pkmnimage (8).pngFile:Pkmnimage (10).png Slowyore These Pokemon can eat up to twenty honey jars in one day.

Currently obtainable

Route 53 using Honey Yes
File:0399n-egg.png Tom Nook Make a trip to a distant city and visit Tom Nook! He's got his own store where he sells useful items.

Available in Event Shop

07/Aug/2013 to 14/Aug/2013 No


Sad Jr. and Jolly Jr. Take care of a very moody Pokémon! It's said to be difficult to tame.

Available in Event Shop

15/Aug/2013 to 23/Aug/2013 Yes
File:058p-egg.pngFile:Arcaddly.png Cuddlithe Need a hug? Cuddle this Growlithe Toy for extra love!

Available in Event Shop

27/Aug/2013 to 01/Sep/2013 Yes
File:Ashachu.pngFile:Raitoshi.png Satichu Not every Trainer starts his journey with a grass, water or fire Starter! A little boy from Pallet Town chose Pikachu.

Available in Event Shop

08/Sep/2013 to 16/Sep/2013. Yes
File:Metacream.pngFile:Buttercream.png Catercream Collect Ice Cream Cornets to receive a tasty cooling.

Available in Event Shop

19/Sep/2013 to 28/Sep/2013. Yes
File:Disguised-Exeggcute-Egg.pngFile:Disguised-Exeggcute.pngFile:Disguised-Exeggutor.png Disguised Exeggcute These Exeggute have found Halloween as the funniest and best time of the year, so they don't want it to end. For that reason they are always disguised as mummies trying to scare human beings.

Available in Event Shop

25/Oct/2013 to 05/Nov/2013. Yes
File:Munn4m34.pngFile:Nightmare-Muna.pngFile:Nightmare-Musharna.png Nightmare Munna Nightmare Munna is a Munna that once ate a dream and became addicted to it. Some of them prefer the sweet tasteof children' nightmares.

Available in Event Shop

25/Oct/2013 to 05/Nov/2013. Yes
File:Sugar-Shock-Egg.pngFile:Sugar-Shock.pngFile:Candy-Belly.png Sugar Shock Sugar Shock are Munchlax that once decided to "trick or treat" on Halloween. Since then they loved candies that much, so they are always asking for more.

Available in Event Shop

25/Oct/2013 to 05/Nov/2013. Yes
File:Dedenne Sprite.png Dedenne A new Pokémon species has been detected: Dedenne are little hamsters that are surrounded by electricity.

Only breedable

08/Nov/2013 to 13/Nov/2013. Yes
File:Festival-Ralts-Egg.pngFile:Festival-Ralts.pngFile:Festival-Kirlia.pngFile:Festival-Gardevoir.png Festival Ralts Strive to attract the attention of an elegant Pokémon.

Available in Event Shop

19/Nov/2013 to 30/Nov/2013. Yes
File:Retro-Delibird.png Retro Delibird Find this Retro in one of the Christmas Gifts.

No longer obtainable

01/Dec/2013 to 25/Dec/2013 No
Kyurem A mysterious Pokémon has recently been seen in Emera Town. It's said to cover everything in its surroundings in frozen ice.

No longer obtainable

04/Dec/2013 to 19/03/2014 No
File:Snowling-Egg.pngFile:Snowling.pngFile:Snowbuck.png Snowling Snowling is a Christmas event Pokemon which could be obtained through the Advent Calender

Available in Event Shop

08/Dec/2013 Yes
File:Pkmnimage (7).pngFile:Pkmnimage (6).png Santa Bird Santa Bird is a Christmas event Pokemon which could be obtained through the Advent Calender

Available in Event Shop

15/Dec/2013 Yes
File:Ji by aqua spirit22-d7d4mk3.png Polestar On Christmas, this Pokemon will shine above everyone, granting all your wishes.

Available in Event Shop

24/Dec/2013 No


Image Name Description Distribution Breedable
File:Eg1d7d4m3w.png Van Bagon Choose one of two completely different ways of life.

Available in Event Shop

09/Jan/2014 to 22/Jan/2014 Yes
File:Sin d4m3u.png Mr. Bagon Choose one of two completely different ways of life.

Available in Event Shop

09/Jan/2014 to 22/Jan/2014 Yes
File:Zigzagoon (1).png Retro Zigzagoon Put yourself back in Hoenn and obtain these special Retro's!

No longer obtainable

18/Jan/14 to 31/01/14 No
File:Taillow.png Retro Taillow Put yourself back in Hoenn and obtain these special Retro's!

No longer obtainable

18/Jan/14 to 31/01/14 No
Retro Poochyena Put yourself back in Hoenn and obtain these special Retro's!

No longer obtainable

18/Jan/14 to 31/01/14 No
File:Rioegg by aqua spirit22-d7d4m4p.png Rokkyu Ready? 3, 2, 1... Fight!

Available in Event Shop

01/Feb/2014 to 09/Feb/2014 Yes
File:Drifegg4u.png Driflamp Do you see those beautiful lights on the horizon?

Available in Event Shop

12/Feb/2014 to 22/Feb/2014 Yes
File:Valenesd7d4m5c.pngFile:Pkmnimage5.png Valenfloon Receive a Valenfloon from the one you love.

Only breedable

14/Feb/2014 Yes
File:Ryevenegg .png Raylóng Get a magical rare Asian Pokemon by gaining it's trust and respect.

No longer obtainable

01/03/14 to 09/03/14 No
File:Cottonegg22-d7d4m5g.png Cottonblu Want to try some of the sweet cotton candy?

Available in Event Shop

10/Mar/2014 to 20/Mar/2014 Yes
File:Af 7d4m5n.png Spring Mareep Can you smell the sweet aroma of the spring flowers?

Available in Event Shop

21/Mar/2014 to 31/Mar/2014 Yes
File:2eggc4m5r.png Derpatung April Fools!

Available in Event Shop

01/Apr/2014 Yes
Retro Ducklett Let's wish the admin a happy birthday!

No longer obtainable

04/Apr/2014 No
File:Pkmnimage (814).pngFile:Pkmnimage (6`4).png Flower Boy It is a decision for life and you should consider carefully with whom

you want to spend the rest of your time. Available in Event Shop

11/April/2014 to 27/April/2014 Yes
File:Pkmnimage (1024).pngFile:Pkmnimage (7124).png Flower Girl It is a decision for life and you should consider carefully with whom

you want to spend the rest of your time. Available in Event Shop

11/April/2014 to 27/April/2014 Yes
File:Pkmnimage (3).pngFile:Pkmnimage (1).png File:Pkmnimage (26).png Easter Bunnelby These Pokemon carefully hide eggs at Easter in Emera Town for trainers to find!

No longer obtainable

16/April/2014 to 30/April/2014 Yes
File:Pkmnimage (15).png File:Pkmnimage (1466).png Blossomly User-made Event Distribution

(Creator: Finhawk) No longer obtainable

03/May/2014 to 11/May/2014 Yes
File:Pkmnimage (17).png Fiesta Larvesta User-made Event Distribution

(Creator: Volcarona) Currently obtainable

14/May/2014 to 21/May/2014 Yes