Retro Pokémon: Difference between revisions

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CatLady (talk | contribs)
Reworked the Retro-page; giving more, easily accessible, information & adding missing ones
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wikitable" style="margin: 0px auto; width: 100%; font-size: 12px;"
{| border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wikitable" style="margin: 0px auto; width: 100%; font-size: 12px;"
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Year Added'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Year Added'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Name'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;width:15%"|'''Name'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''How to Find'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;width:20%"|'''How to Find'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Sprite'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;width:96px"|'''Sprite'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Obtainable'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Obtainable'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Requirements'''
! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|'''Requirements'''
|align="center"|Retro Bulbasaur
|align="center"|Retro Bulbasaur<br>Retro Charmander<br>Retro Squirtle
Retro Charmander
Retro Squirtle
|align="center"|Voucher received for every month Premium bought
|align="center"|Voucher received for every month Premium bought
Line 26: Line 24:
|align="center"|Retro Venusaur
|align="center"|Retro Venusaur<br>Retro Charizard<br>Retro Blastoise
Retro Charizard
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar<br><br>Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual [[Fun Fair]]
Retro Blastoise
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar
|align="center"|Retro Rattata
|align="center"|Retro Rattata<br>Retro Zubat<br>Retro Koffing
Retro Zubat
Retro Koffing
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower
Line 62: Line 56:
|align="center"|Retro Gastly
|align="center"|Retro Gastly<br>Retro Haunter<br>Retro Gengar
Retro Haunter
Retro Gengar
|align="center"|Halloween Sweets (Gastly only) or Random Encounter
|align="center"|Halloween Sweets (Gastly only) or Random Encounter
Line 80: Line 72:
|align="center"|Retro Articuno
|align="center"|Retro Articuno<br>Retro Zapdos<br>Retro Moltres
Retro Zapdos
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar<br><br>Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual [[Fun Fair]]
Retro Moltres
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar
Line 98: Line 88:
|align="center"|Retro Chikorita
|align="center"|Retro Chikorita<br>Retro Cyndaquil<br>Retro Totodile<br>Retro Sentret<br>Retro Hoothoot
Retro Cyndaquil
Retro Totodile
Retro Sentret
Retro Hoothoot
|align="center"|Daily Prize at Concentration  
|align="center"|Daily Prize at Concentration  
Line 113: Line 99:
|align="center"|Retro Meganium
|align="center"|Retro Meganium<br>Retro Typhlosion<br>Retro Feraligatr
Retro Typhlosion
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar<br><br>Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual [[Fun Fair]]
Retro Feraligatr
|align="center"|Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar
Line 154: Line 138:
|align="center"|Retro Delibird
|align="center"|Retro Delibird
|align="center"|Possible prize from Christmas Gift  
|align="center"|Possible prize from Christmas Gift  
|align="center"|Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
|align="center"|Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
Line 164: Line 148:
|align="center"|Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
|align="center"|Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
|align="center"|Retro Smoochum
|align="center"|Advent Calender
|align="center"|Price for opening the first door from the Advent Calendar 2024
|align="center"|Retro Lugia
|align="center"|Retro Lugia<br>Retro Ho-Oh
Retro Ho-Oh
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower after update  
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower after update  
Line 182: Line 172:
|align="center"|Retro Poochyena
|align="center"|Retro Poochyena<br>Retro Zigzagoon<br>Retro Taillow
Retro Zigzagoon
Retro Taillow
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Route 102  
|align="center"|Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Route 102  
|align="center"|You unlock Route 102 when placing in the top 50 in the Johto Apricorn Battle whenever available at the Emera Square
|align="center"|You unlock Route 102 when placing in the top 50 in the Johto Apricorn Battle whenever available at the Emera Square
Line 196: Line 184:
|align="center"|Play the mini game on Riako's Birthday
|align="center"|Play the mini game on Riako's Birthday
|align="center"|N/A - from time to time available on the admin's birthday

Latest revision as of 22:24, 8 February 2025

Retro Pokemon are Pokemon with Gen 1-3 sprites. They are not breedable.

Obtaining Retro Pokémon

Not all the Retro Pokémon are currently obtainable.


Retros are ordered numerical [pokédex number]

Year Added Name How to Find Sprite Obtainable Requirements
2013 Retro Bulbasaur
Retro Charmander
Retro Squirtle
Voucher received for every month Premium bought

Yes N/A
2018 Retro Venusaur
Retro Charizard
Retro Blastoise
Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar

Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual Fun Fair

Event N/A
2018 Retro Rattata
Retro Zubat
Retro Koffing
Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower

Event You unlock the Burned Tower when placing in the top 50 in the Johto Apricorn Battle whenever available at the Emera Square
2013 Retro Pikachu Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Yellow Forest Event You unlock the Yellow Forest when you collect enough Light Balls whenever the Yellow Forest-quest is active
2016 Retro Tentacool Fish at Emera Beach Yes N/A
2020 Retro Gastly
Retro Haunter
Retro Gengar
Halloween Sweets (Gastly only) or Random Encounter

Event Gastly, Haunter and Gengar are random encounters when you go trick-or-treating during the Halloween Event. Gastly is also available as a Retro Egg in the Halloween Sweets shop
2018 Retro Magikarp Win Prof. Oak’s Contest at Emera Square Yes N/A
2018 Retro Articuno
Retro Zapdos
Retro Moltres
Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar

Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual Fun Fair

Event N/A
2013 Retro Mew Voucher received when buying a year Premium Yes N/A
2015 Retro Chikorita
Retro Cyndaquil
Retro Totodile
Retro Sentret
Retro Hoothoot
Daily Prize at Concentration

Yes Daily Rotation - You'll know which retro is the prize of the day, before spending GC
2018 Retro Meganium
Retro Typhlosion
Retro Feraligatr
Find (and catch) a Retro using the Retro Radar

Prize exchange for Fair Tickets at the annual Fun Fair

Event N/A
2014 Retro Togepi Reward from DayCare after adopting 500 Eggs Yes N/A
2018 Retro Marill Possible Prize at Apricorn Battle Event Place in the Top 50 be eligible for a prize
2019 Retro Girafarig Possible Prize at Apricorn Battle Event Place in the Top 50 be eligible for a prize
2021 Retro Corsola Possible prize from Sky Gift Event Sky Gifts can be sent during the yearly Shaymin Event
2013 Retro Delibird Possible prize from Christmas Gift Event Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
2017 Retro Stantler Possible prize from Christmas Gift Event Christmas Gifts can be sent during the yearly Advent Calendar
2024 Retro Smoochum Advent Calender Event Price for opening the first door from the Advent Calendar 2024
2018 Retro Lugia
Retro Ho-Oh
Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Burned Tower after update

Event After unlocking the Burned Tower, placing in the top 50 of the Johto Apricorn Battle a second time, will give you the upgrade as a prize
2014 Retro Celebi Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Route 102 after update Event After unlocking Route 102, placing in the top 50 of the Hoenn Berry Battle a second time, will give you the upgrade as a prize
2014 Retro Poochyena
Retro Zigzagoon
Retro Taillow
Find a retro Egg when rumbling in Route 102

Event You unlock Route 102 when placing in the top 50 in the Johto Apricorn Battle whenever available at the Emera Square
2014 Retro Ducklett Play the mini game on Riako's Birthday Event N/A - from time to time available on the admin's birthday