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The legendary Entei
Retro Event Distribution
Retro Entei roars into Emera Town for a special Event Distribution: Emera Town is set to witness an awe-inspiring spectacle as the magnificent and legendary Pokémon, Entei, makes a grand entrance in its retro form! Get ready for an exclusive Event Distribution as this majestic Fire-type Pokémon strides into town, ready to ignite the hearts of trainers far and wide.
And remember: Just like all other Retro Pokémon, Retro Entei has a 2% chance of hatching shiny. Good luck!
PokéRadar Update
Freeze your chain
Have you ever got bored of your endless Shiny Mega Perfect IV Ditto hunt and want to take a break - but at the same time you don't want to break your chain and restart it later? Well, now you can freeze your PokéRadar chain for a small fee, depending on your chain's progress and for how long you'd like to take a break. This option is available as soon as you reach a chain of 5+ hatched eggs. It is not available for Event Pass hunts.
Freeze, relax, and hatch some lab or Necrozma eggs! ... Speaking of which: Necrozma's fusions with Solgaleo and Lunala will become available soon. Get ready!