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PokéHeroes' 8th anniversary
Royal eggs and lots of events

OPokéHeroes was officially released eight years ago—and has been successfully growing ever since! More then 175k members have signed up, spent more than 300 Million minutes playing the game, and have collected way over 1.5 Billion Activity Points in our regular Event Distributions. Time to celebrate with new updates and lots of events!

New Royal Tunnel upgrade: Explorers of the royal tunnel have discovered a new path: The so-called Split-Decision Path! Event eggsRumors have it that there is one out of two new royal eggs waiting at the end of the path... It's a tricky part of the royal tunnel, however, so only experienced trainers are allowed to enter.

Anniversary Event Re-Distribution: The Emera Dex has grown rapidly and by now contains 280 different species! Can you name them all? To recap some of our Event highlights, we're hosting a special Event Re-Distribution of some of our all-time classics over the next two weeks—with a strongly increased shiny chance!

... And much more!