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Fossils contain the genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.

Fossil Name Description Pokemon
Armor Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on the land. It looks to be from some kind of protective collar. Shieldon
Bird Fossil TEXT Dracozolt
Claw Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It appears to be a fragment of a claw. Anorith
Cover Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It appears as though it could be part of its back. Tirtouga
Dino Fossil The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked like is a mystery. Arctozolt
Dome Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It could be a shell or carapace. Kabuto
Drake Fossil The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once roamed the land. What it looked like is a mystery. Dracovish
Fish Fossil The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked like is a mystery. Arctovish
Helix Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It might be a piece of a seashell. Omanyte
Jaw Fossil A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea in ancient times. It appears to be part of its jaw Tyrunt
Old amber Fossil A piece of amber that still contains the genetic material of an ancient Pokémon. It's clear with a tawny, reddish tint. Aerodactyl
Plume Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sky. It looks as if it could come from part of its wing Archen
Root Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It looks as if it could be part of a plant's root. Lileep
Sail Fossil A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea in ancient times. It appears to be part of its sail Amaura
Skull Fossil A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on the land. It appears as though it's part of a head. Cranidos

How to obtain it

Fossils can be found when opening Mystery Boxes and at the Emera Beach.

How to use it

On the front page of the Ancient Cave you may find a section that allows you revive any fossils you may have. Simply press "summon" and the egg will be placed in your party.


  • Hatching a Pokemon from a fossil will count towards your shiny chain.
  • Fossils are tradeable.