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Magearna's Raffle
& New Event Pass Sale

Good evening and good morning, fellow residents! This is Mewton M. Meowth (the Third!) speaking—your most trustworthy partner when it comes to gambling! I have great news to announce: My Game Center has just expanded and a new money drain—uh, I mean—fun attraction has been added! My dear friend, Magearna, from the distant File Island is hosting a daily raffle where you can win its legendary eggs. Buy a ticket and be part of the fun! There will be one winner each and every day; and even more special rewards are distributed on every Tuesday, Friday and the 15th of each month! Pro tip: We expect a large amount of participants in the first few days—it may be wise to wait a little before going all-in.

I was also told to announce two further news to you: *clears throat* The Professor of this town (dubious guy, if you ask me) is happy to announce a new discovery: Mega Galarian Rapidash! ... It says here that I'm supposed to tell you about Mega Stones, Level requirements, blah blah, Imma skip that part. And finally: The end of summer sale is ending soon - and a new offer has been added today! An Event Pass for our newest Event Pokémon, Scaractus, is already available for a discounted price - but only for the next three days!