
As of 7:15 PM on August 9, 2013, one can travel to Route 53 from the Town tab in the navigation bar. There, the Mysterious Tree is available for one to slather Honey that they found from Rumble Missions or in Sky Gifts.
After a varying length of time, a Pokémon may appear on the tree. Known Pokémon that can be found are Munchlax, Cherubi, Heracross, Combee, Aipom, Wurmple, and Burmy (Plant Cloak). However, there may be more Pokémon. Pokémon that appear on the tree will stay until they have finished eating the Honey or you scare them away. The more Honey you slather on the tree, the longer it will take them to eat it, and the more time you have to capture them. You can capture Pokémon that are eating Honey off of the tree in a PokéBall. You can throw as many PokéBalls as you own at them while they are at the tree, but if the Pokémon finishes eating, it will leave and become unobtainable. It is currently unknown whether the species determines the chance of capture, like in the DS games, nor whether certain species are rarer than others.