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Revision as of 21:12, 2 November 2014 by Scourge (talk | contribs)
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Evolution line
File:Pkmnimage (16).png File:Celebi.png

Celebi is a Legendary Pokemon which can rarely be encountered by putting honey the Route 53 tree. To obtain the Celebi egg, you will need to be able to successfully catch it using Pokeballs.

Once you catch it, it will leave an egg which you can then obtain if you have got a free slot in your party.

Hatching a Celebi egg will not count towards your chain.



Pokedex information:
It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times.
Species: Time Travel Types:
EHP: 30,855 EXP to level 100: 1,250,000
Egg group: Undiscovered Mega Capable: N/A
Gender Ratio:

Male : 0%    Female : 0%    Genderless : —%


Normal Shiny
File:Celebi.png File:Celebi (1).png


Celebi does NOT evolve.