Event Distribution
The Event Distribution is the page where you can claim special events provided that you meet the requeriment for them.
This page is locked for users under Trainerlevel 5.
Page distribution
If there will be an event, it will be announced on the Index Page.
If there is an event running
If there is an event running, the page will show the date the event is being distributed on, and small description of the event. To obtain the event Pokemon, you will need to earn Activity Points via lots of different ways.
There are 5 categories / ways you can obtain AP (Activity Points).
Interacting Each interaction you make counts as 1 AP. Each berry you feed counts as 2 AP.
Game Center Playing coin-flip gets you AP randomly. Each time you're correct in Higher or Lower, you get 1 AP.
Rumbling You can gain a few AP when you send Pokemon out on a rumble mission.
Social You can gain a few AP by trading, chatting on the Herochat and posting on the Forums.
Other You get some AP by adopting eggs.
Every hour, the requirements for each category will reset, meaning you can only get a total of 850 AP per hour.
If there isn't an event running
The page will show the last event that was distributed from this page, but you can't get it.
Every time you claim an event, you will also get its wondercard, like in the Nintendo DS handheld games. The wondercard shows the sprite of the Event Pokemon, a description of the event, the date it was distributed and the date that you obtained it the first time.
You can see your wondercard collection on the wondercards page.