
Badges are a form of achievement in Pokeheroes. You can collect them by completing different tasks all around the site, some more difficult than others. By completing a set, you will earn a reward. There are currently three sets of badges on Pokeheroes. The higher the set, the harder it is to obtain the badges.
You can view someones else's badge showcase on their Userprofile. It will only show you the badges they have obtained. It will not say how or when they obtained it.

If you don't have a badge, its image will be faded and the text will be all question marks. If you have received a badge, the image will become solid and it will give you a description on how you received it and when you received it. Note that it can take up to 15 minutes for a badge to get added into your showcase. You will receive a notification when you receive a badge.
There will not be a guide on how to get all the badges, since spoilers are not allowed on Pokeheroes, and that defeats the purpose of obaining them anyway.