As of 7:15 PM on August 9, 2013, one can travel to Route 53. At this location, Honey may be used to attract wild Pokémon, which can then be captured using PokéBalls.
Slathering Honey

At Route 53, you may use Honey that you obtained on Rumble Missions or through Sky Gifts to attract wild Pokémon. Upon visiting the route, which is under the Town tab of the navigation bar, you will be told whether or not you have Honey to use, and, if so, prompted to slather the bark with it.
After slathering the bark, a message will tell you how much Honey is on the tree. You may slather the bark up to three times, with each increasing the amount of Honey on the tree and changing the message that is displayed.
Catching Pokémon
You can capture Pokémon that are eating Honey off of the tree in a PokéBall. You can throw as many PokéBalls as you own at them while they are at the tree, but if the Pokémon finishes eating, it will leave and become unobtainable. The amount of Honey on the bark affects the amount of time for which a Pokémon stays at the tree. Pokémon known to be available include Munchlax, Wurmple, Heracross, Aipom, Combee, Cherubi, and Burmy (Plant Cloak). It is possible that other Pokémon are available, but only these seven are known. Pokémon that appear on the tree will stay until they have finished eating the Honey or you scare them away. It is currently unknown whether the species determines the chance of capture, like in the DS games. It is also unknown whether certain species are rarer than others.
Mystery Pokémon
The mysterious Pokémon detailed in the news was revealed to smell like Honey. Though the exact species will not be mentioned here, as it would be considered a spoiler, the mysterious Pokémon has an unknown chance of appearing when Honey is slathered on the bark at Route 53. For the first few weeks of this event, the Gem Collector would offer five units of Honey in exchange for ten Grass Gems. Hints as to what the mysterious Pokémon is can be found in this thread, as well as from Bill at his house (linked from the Storage Boxes page).
For an unknown period of time, it will be possible to find Slowyore, an Event Slowpoke, with Honey. Slowyore can then evolve into either Yorebro or Yoreking. This event is based on Eeyore, a character from Winnie the Pooh.
Burmy (Plant Cloak)
In the week of Sunday, September 8, 2013, four events were made to allow people to obtain Honey.
• Starting from 9:00 PM on September 10, 2013, there was a 24-hour event in which players who were lucky could find a jar of Honey on any page, at any location. If they clicked on it, they would receive one jar of Honey. Players could not find more than 30 jars of Honey in this method.
• For all of September 12, 2013, players who were lucky could find one jar of Honey after each forum post that they made.
• For all of September 13, 2013, players could receive Honey from the Gem Collector in exchange for only five Grass Gems, instead of ten. This was the last day that Honey was given in exchange for Gems.
• For all of September 14, 2013, players who were lucky could find one jar of Honey after each interaction that they made.
Shiny Pokémon
• The chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon at the Honey Tree is higher than anywhere else on the site.