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<center><s1><font size="5">Christmas Gifts</font><br>
<center><s1><font size="5">Mega Zoroark</font><br>
<font size="3">Surprise boxes for your friends</font><br></b></center></s1><br><img src="https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/riolu_christmas_gift.png?v2" style="float: right; margin-right: 6px; width: 171px; max-width: 276px;"> <span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>Only two weeks left until the greatest holiday season of the year begins! Have you already written a wish list or bought some gifts for your friends and family?<br>
<font size="3">New Event Distribution</font><br></b></center></s1><br><img src="https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/mega_zoroark.png" style="float: right; margin-right: 6px; width: 171px; max-width: 276px;"> <span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>With the rise of the new moon, a new mega evolution has been discovered by some explorers, deep within the forests of Emera! The explorers brought them back to town and found that with the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Zoroark are now able to mega evolve! There's a lot of them roaming around in the brush, so what are you waiting for? Be the first trainer to own a mega version of it!
As every year, you can make your online friends a special surprise with a small PokéHeroes christmas gift. All of these gifts can contain random items like a berry, maybe an evolutionary stone - and sometimes even a rare Plushie or Retro Pokémon! You will definitely make your friends smile with these lovely gifts. So why not send out some right away?<br><br>
This new Mega Pokémon has been created by our member siqko in our previous Mega spriting contest. This is the second winning submission.
You can buy up to five gifts with PokéDollar per day - each additional costs 20 Nuggets.
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<a id="newsurl" href="https://pokeheroes.com/christmasgift">CHRISTMAS GIFTS</a>  <a id="newsurl" href="https://pokeheroes.com/adventcalendar">ADVENT CALENDAR</a></s1>
<a id="newsurl" href="https://pokeheroes.com/event_distribution">EVENT DISTRIBUTION</a></s1>

Revision as of 11:21, 9 January 2022

Mega Zoroark
New Event Distribution

With the rise of the new moon, a new mega evolution has been discovered by some explorers, deep within the forests of Emera! The explorers brought them back to town and found that with the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Zoroark are now able to mega evolve! There's a lot of them roaming around in the brush, so what are you waiting for? Be the first trainer to own a mega version of it!

This new Mega Pokémon has been created by our member siqko in our previous Mega spriting contest. This is the second winning submission.