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<center><s1><font size="5">Type: Null</font><br>
<center><s1><font size="4">Christmas is near:</font><br>
<font size="4">& Black Friday</font><br></b></center></s1><br><img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/type_null.png" style="float: right; margin-left: 6px" alt="Type: Null"><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>The legendary Pokémon Type: Null and its evolution Silvally are now available! After completing your Alola Dex, go to Professor Rowan's Lab and claim your mystery egg. Like all other dex rewards, Type: Null and Silvally are breedable with a Ditto but cannot be traded. The 17 different memory disks that change Silvally's forme can be obtained randomly at the Concentration Game (limited to one per day) after completing the Alola Dex.
<font size="5">Advent Calendar Event</font><br></b></center></s1><br><img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/adventcalendar2019.png?v2" style="float: right; margin-left: 6px" alt="Advent Calendar"><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>Christmas is coming closer and everyone in Emera Town is preparing for the awesome holidays! Are you already as excited as we are?<br>
To make the wait for Christmas a little more bearable, we are having our traditional Advent Calendar Event! Behind each door of our calendar, an individual task and a small reward are waiting for you: Maybe you get an evolutionary stone, maybe just a berry - or maybe even an exciting new Event Egg! Anything can happen.
<img src="https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/meltan.png" style="float: left; margin-left: 6px" alt="Meltan">
This year you can pick from five different advent calendar designs; they are the winning entries from our recent community drawing contest!</s1></span><br><br><s1>
The super rare Black Friday Box is now available - but only today and tomorrow! Every purchased box is guaranteed to contain a surprise; including Premium Membership, Event Points and <i>Meltan Candy</i>.
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/adventcalendar">ADVENT CALENDAR</a></s1>
The Meltan Candy is a new legendary item that can be used to hunt Meltan in the Tall Grass, and also functions for evolving them into Melmetal. It will soon be available through regular Mystery Boxes - but until then you can be the first one to find it in a Black Friday Box!
<br>Since Meltan is obtained at the Tall Grass, it is automatically shiny-huntable.
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/blackfriday">BLACK FRIDAY</a></s1>

Revision as of 09:22, 1 December 2019

Christmas is near:
Advent Calendar Event

Advent Calendar

Christmas is coming closer and everyone in Emera Town is preparing for the awesome holidays! Are you already as excited as we are?
To make the wait for Christmas a little more bearable, we are having our traditional Advent Calendar Event! Behind each door of our calendar, an individual task and a small reward are waiting for you: Maybe you get an evolutionary stone, maybe just a berry - or maybe even an exciting new Event Egg! Anything can happen.

This year you can pick from five different advent calendar designs; they are the winning entries from our recent community drawing contest!