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This page is made and is being added to by Sketchi, [1] if you would like to see something added here, changed or have any questions click on the link and send a PM.

I'll be adding a Newbie tutorial here! This article will feature: Hatching Eggs, Game Center, Rumbling Etc.


The first step is to register for your account (I'm assuming you already did). Your starter will be any of them depending on which type you chose, and your "personality". After the adoption of your starter, you'll want to adopt more eggs and Pokémon, of course!

All Pokémon eggs look the same with the exception of Event eggs, which have their own unique design. Find out more about Events here[[2]]

To adopt an egg visit Professor Rowan's lab! (This can be found under the Town tab)

This is an example of a successful grab, as you might miss one. You cannot grab another egg if your party is full (max. 6)

As you noticed in the image, sometimes the lab will show the full info on the Pokémon, or say "analysing". The Pokémon eggs still being analysed will eventually become "recognized," as shown. The time needed to identify an egg varies. Once identified, the lab will display most everything you need to know about the egg.

This includes the the pokemon type 2nd row, Rarity (ex. Rare, common, medium, legend etc.),and finally the name of the pokemon. It takes a long a to "recognize" the pokemon so be quick about grabbing eggs you want as someone else is able to take them.

Please note!~ Event pets such as mew and catercream are unavailable in the lab, and are exclusive to breeding or the event distribution.

Okay now you have a nice new set of dazzling eggs! Well, the real sparkles come out when you hatch them. The only way to hatch eggs are to warm them up by clicking the button. This will cause the egg to gain EHP, which you need to hatch eggs. (This can be done only once daily by each person) EHP rates needed to hatch eggs vary on the species, it may 2,000 all the way up to 30,000 for very special ones. To check how much EHP you need to hatch your egg check by clicking the image. Under the image of the egg it will show it, the first number states how much EHP your egg currently has and the second number is how much it needs overall. Obviously you can't really hatch the egg by yourself so you will need other people to warm it up as well. The easiest way to do this is to click other's pets. After all, what goes around comes around! Or, if you chose you can use a third-party (outside) click exchange program (ex. Yarold's, and Hydra) to get EHP.

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