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<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/sword_shield_logo.png" alt="Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield"><br>
Halloween Event
The Starters have arrived!
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Trick or Treat
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<i>Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!</i><br>
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It's Halloween time - so get dressed up as a ghost, vampire or zombie and scare other residents of Emera Town to get some tasty sweets!<br>
The new games for the main-series have finally been released for the Nintendo Switch: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! Are you as hyped as we are?!
As every year, you can collect Halloween Sweets by interacting, 'trick or treat'ing other members or by rumbling (requires a special upgrade item). These Halloween Sweets can then be exchanged by very rare Event Items, Event Pokémon and adorable Giratina Plushies!
This year we have two new Event Pokémon available that were created by our members Tesoro (Plaguekrow) and Mafia (Mega Crobat) in our Event Spriting Contest!
<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/galar_starters.png" style="float: right; margin-left: 6px" alt="Pokémon Galar Starters">
These two new games introduce a brandnew region to us - the Galar Region - and along comes a brand new generation of Pokémon!
Soon, all the new Pokémon will be released in Emera Town; and starting today, you can already get the new Starter Pokémon. Don't waste time and participate in our new Event Distribution! Until the end of the month, you can get all three limited Starters as Event Eggs by fulfilling Activity Point goals.
Can't decide which one to pick? Remember that you can get multiple eggs by clearing the steadily increasing AP targets. This way you can get all three Starter Pokémon instead of just one!
For now, the Starters cannot evolve and are not breedable.
In order to provide high sprite quality and still bring the new Galar Pokémon to PokéHeroes as quickly as possible, we are happy to announce that we are working with the <u><a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1acgzAjh0dnFRQnjZu8kSjS177rKCzpFfEHRLtwuuXRU" style="color: blue">Smogon Dex Project</a></u> and will be using their wonderful work for this generation on our game! This way we will be able to release many of the new Pokémon this year already.
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/halloween">HALLOWEEN EVENT</a></s1>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/event_distribution">GALAR DISTRIBUTION</a></s1>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=550">GALAR DISCUSSION</a></s1>

Revision as of 03:13, 16 November 2019

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield
The Starters have arrived!
Filler text

The new games for the main-series have finally been released for the Nintendo Switch: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! Are you as hyped as we are?!

Pokémon Galar Starters These two new games introduce a brandnew region to us - the Galar Region - and along comes a brand new generation of Pokémon! Soon, all the new Pokémon will be released in Emera Town; and starting today, you can already get the new Starter Pokémon. Don't waste time and participate in our new Event Distribution! Until the end of the month, you can get all three limited Starters as Event Eggs by fulfilling Activity Point goals.
Can't decide which one to pick? Remember that you can get multiple eggs by clearing the steadily increasing AP targets. This way you can get all three Starter Pokémon instead of just one! For now, the Starters cannot evolve and are not breedable.

In order to provide high sprite quality and still bring the new Galar Pokémon to PokéHeroes as quickly as possible, we are happy to announce that we are working with the Smogon Dex Project and will be using their wonderful work for this generation on our game! This way we will be able to release many of the new Pokémon this year already.