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It's Summer Time!
Mega Braviary
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Shaymin is finally back
& End of Summer Sale
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Shaymin is back in Emera Town and wants to make kind-hearted trainers a very special gift! After a one year break, Shaymin finally returns and brings back a good friend. You can obtain it as an Event Egg as one of Shaymin's presents! Start interacting now in order to have a chance to get one of these strongly limited gifts.
A new mega evolution has been discovered by the most experienced breeders of Emera Town: With the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Braviary are apparently able to perform a mega evolution.
The breeders were able to breed a bunch of mega-able Rufflet lately and are now giving them away in an Event Distribution. So what are you waiting for? Make sure to be the first trainer own a mega version of this powerful bird!
And as always: The Sky Gifts are available again as well! You can buy and send three gifts to your friends for a small amount of Pokedollar every day. These gifts contain random items; such as Berries, Gems and Poké Balls.
In other news: Our End of Summer sale just started! You can choose from multiple strongly discounted offers that include premium membership, premium items and Event Passes. This sale ends on September 30th.
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=76850">NEWS THREAD</a>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/event_distribution">EVENT DISTRIBUTION</a>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/skygift">SKY GIFTS</a></s1>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/sale">EOS SALE</a></s1>

Revision as of 05:10, 19 September 2019

Mega Braviary
& End of Summer Sale

A new mega evolution has been discovered by the most experienced breeders of Emera Town: With the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Braviary are apparently able to perform a mega evolution. The breeders were able to breed a bunch of mega-able Rufflet lately and are now giving them away in an Event Distribution. So what are you waiting for? Make sure to be the first trainer own a mega version of this powerful bird!

In other news: Our End of Summer sale just started! You can choose from multiple strongly discounted offers that include premium membership, premium items and Event Passes. This sale ends on September 30th.