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<img src="http://pokeheroes.com/img/news/2ndanniv.png" style="float: right; width: 30%; max-width: 140px"><center><b><font size=5px>Happy Birthday, PokéHeroes!</font><br><font size=3px>2nd Anniversary Special</font></b></center><br>
<div class="ribbon_wrapper">
PokéHeroes has been released exactly two years ago, on July 1st in 2013. We're celebrating a huge anniversary party today with lots of events, legendaries and new features - and all trainers of Emera Town are invited to join!
<div class="ribbon">
The new Emera Square has been opened and is offering cool monthly festivals from now. You can join festivals like the Bug-Hatching Contest or the Pokémon Beauty Contest. In every festival, you can win Festival Points, which can be used at the Prize Exchange.
<a id="newsurl" href=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=29694>MORE INFORMATION</a>
<center><s1><font size="5">Anniversary v11</font><br>
<font size="3">New events and future work</font><br></b></center></s1><br><img src="https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/bday_ph.png" style="float: right; margin-right: 6px; max-width: 150px; zoom: 100%"> <span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>A message from Prof. Rowan: "Goodness gracious me, has it really been 11 years since I've started hiring trainers for my current research? Has it really been over 11 years since I've made my last big breakthrough? ... Uh *coughs* I mean... We've obviously made big progress in the last years as well! Lots'a hatched eggs, lots'a Pokemon evolved, lots'a mysteries uncovered... Yes, no, now that I think about it, I think we can certainly be proud of the last 11 years we've spent together. We've certainly have had a good time, haven't we? All the hours we've spent at the annual fun fair, all the hours we've spent sitting around honey trees. All the hours our Pokemon have spent exploring various areas nearby. All the hours we've spent dreaming at the beach.<br>
... But there's no reason to become sentimental! Our journey is not over yet."<br>
<br style="clear: both"><s1>
<a style="text-transform: uppercase" id="newsurl" href="https://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=96634">ANNIVERSARY POST</a></s1>

Latest revision as of 19:32, 1 July 2024

Anniversary v11
New events and future work

A message from Prof. Rowan: "Goodness gracious me, has it really been 11 years since I've started hiring trainers for my current research? Has it really been over 11 years since I've made my last big breakthrough? ... Uh *coughs* I mean... We've obviously made big progress in the last years as well! Lots'a hatched eggs, lots'a Pokemon evolved, lots'a mysteries uncovered... Yes, no, now that I think about it, I think we can certainly be proud of the last 11 years we've spent together. We've certainly have had a good time, haven't we? All the hours we've spent at the annual fun fair, all the hours we've spent sitting around honey trees. All the hours our Pokemon have spent exploring various areas nearby. All the hours we've spent dreaming at the beach.
... But there's no reason to become sentimental! Our journey is not over yet."