Sugar Shock

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Revision as of 18:57, 15 December 2013 by Nisky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CATEGORY:Event Pokémon {{Evoline-2stages|File:Sugar-Shock-Egg.png|File:Sugar-Shock.png|File:Candy-Belly.png|Evolution|Candy Belly|Candy Belly}} Sugar Shock is...")
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Evolution line
File:Sugar-Shock-Egg.png File:Sugar-Shock.png File:Candy-Belly.png
Evolution: Candy Belly

Sugar Shock is an Event Pokemon that was released from 25/Oct/2013 to 05/Nov/2013.

Pokedex information:
Sugar Shock are Munchlax that once decided to "trick or treat" on Halloween. Since then they loved candies that much, so they are always asking for more.
Species: Big Eater Types:
EHP: 10,455 EXP to level 100: 1,250,000
Egg group: Undiscovered


Normal Shiny
File:Sugar-Shock.png File:Shiny-Sugar-Shock.png


Sugar Shock evolves into Candy Belly with a Soothe Bell.