A Frosty Creature
The Frosty Creature is a Kyurem Event during the Advent 2013 and ends at the end of winter. (Exact date will be released next year)
A mysterious Pokémon has recently been seen in Emera Town. It's said to cover everything in its surroundings in frozen ice.
How it is obtained
The Kyurem can be obtained by interacting with Eggs & Pokemon. It will need more than two or three interactions to earn it's respect.
An icon of the Kyurem will randomly appear on your userbar while interacting, but keep in mind, it will appear randomly, meaning it could appear after 50 interactions, or even after 7000. If you see the icon, you click on it to get the egg, but keep in mind, you must have a free space in your party to obtain the egg, but if you don't, you always have time to make space.
Kyurem Egg
Recieving Kyurem
After clicking the Kyurem Icon on your userbar, it will show you a clearer image of it, and will ask you if you want to claim it's gift.
After accepting the creature's gift, you will have a Kyurem Egg in your party.