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Non erat laoreet ullamcorper. Pellentesque magna metus, feugiat eu elementum sit amet, cursus sed diam. Curabitur posuere porttitor lorem, eu malesuada tortor faucibus sed. Duis pulvinar nibh vel urna Donec purus leo, porttitor eu molestie quis, porttitor sit amet ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec accumsan ornare elit id imperdiet. Suspendisse ac libero mauris. Cras lacinia porttitor urna, vitae molestie libero posuere et.Non erat laoreet ullamcorper. Pellentesque magna metus, feugiat eu elementum sit amet, cursus sed diam. Curabitur posuere porttitor lorem, eu malesuada tortor faucibus sed. Duis pulvinar nibh vel urna

About PokéHeroes
PokéHeroes is a browserbased fangame about the world of Pokémon. Take on the role of a Pokémon trainer and breeder! Adopt eggs, hatch and raise them to strong and powerful monsters. Explore unknown areas, collect items and complete quests - and much more!

PokéHeroes is also a real community-based game. You cannot only send private messages to your friends all over the globus, but also share your opinions in our forum to all the other players.

Last News: 04/Dec/13 19:45
A Frosty Creature

A mysterious Pokémon has recently been seen in Emera Town. It's said to cover everything in its surroundings in frozen ice.

A couple of witnesses reported that they saw it randomly after interacting with some Pokémon or Eggs. However, it requires more than just two or three interactions to earn its respect.
