Sad and Jolly Jr.

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Evolution line
Evolution: Mr. Moody

Sad and Jolly Jr. were a pair of Event Pokémon released on 15/Aug/2013 to 23/Aug/2013. Both referred to as the Mime Pokémon, their personalities mirror each other, with Jolly Jr. being unable to stop laughing and Sad Jr. usually being sad.



Pokedex information:
Sad Jr.: A very depressed clown who often can't stop crying.

Jolly Jr.: A very happy clown who often can't stop laughing.
Species: Mime Types:
EHP: 5,355 EXP to level 100: 1,000,000
Egg group: Undiscovered Mega Capable: N/A
Gender Ratio:

Male : 50%    Female : 50%    Genderless : —%


Jolly Jr. Sad Jr.
Normal Shiny Normal Shiny
File:S-Jolly-Jr.png File:S-Sad-Jr.png


Sad and Jolly Jr. combine into Mr. Moody when they are both the same gender, in your party, and at least level 20.