The userprofile is an user's public profile. They can be accessed by everyone
How to access
Userprofiles page follow this structure:
User pages are divided into sections.
The first box displays the user's name, avatar, gender and trainerlevel. If the user has a premium account activated then their Premium banner will be shown under the trainerlevel. There is also a link to their Boxes and Pokédex at the right.
Game Records
Some user's stats are displayed here.
- Trainer ID: A random number assigned to the user when their account was created.
- Registration: Date at the user made their account.
- Duration of their premium account if they have a premium account active.
- Game Time: Displays the time that the user has been around the site.
- Total interactions: It says how many interactions have been done by the user since they registered.
- Money: The amount for Pokédollars (not nuggets) that the user has earned.
- Starter Pokémon: It displays the user's starter Pokémon and links to it.
Like in some social networks, users can posts here through their userpage or from the Notifications page. The most recent user's feeds are displayed here.

You can see the full party of the user, and some information is displayed, such as the species, sprites and EXP/EHP needed to hatch or to go up to the next level.
Medals that have been won by this user will be placed here. If you hover over it, you will see the type of medal and the date that it was obtained at.
Badge Showcase

The entire badge showcase is displayed here. Medals obtained by the user will be opaque, while the not obtained ones will look translucid.
About me
Located under the party, this sections allows to you to write something about you, or something that you want that other people know. BB codes can used here. The maximum number of characters allowed is 1000.
The contact sections displays an user's links to their userprofiles in other sites, if they have set a contact link to appear. The last action performed by the user is shown here.
Last visitors
The last section shows the last five users who visited the userprofile and the time at they visited it.