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Evolution line

Chef is one of the 8 Harvest Sprite Pokemon/one of the Quest Pokemon in the Ancient Cave.

When finding Chef, you will obtain it as an egg and will be placed directly into your party if there is a free slot. If there is no free slot in your party, you will not get the egg, but encountering Chef will still be possible until you accept the egg.

Note: Hatching the egg will not count towards your shiny chain.



Pokedex information:
Chef is able to cook you any dish you want. He especially likes recipes with flour.
Species: Chef Types:
EHP: 30,855 EXP to level 100: 1,250,000
Egg group: Undiscovered Mega Capable: N/A
Gender Ratio:

Male : 100%    Female : —%    Genderless : —%


Normal Shiny


Chef does NOT evolve.