Psyduck (Selfie)

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Revision as of 19:26, 24 April 2019 by Kimie (talk | contribs)
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Evolution line

The form-change item Selfie stick was part of the April Fools Event 2019.
It changes a regular Psyduck into it's new form: Psyduck (Selfie), by giving Psyduck the Selfie stick to hold.



Pokedex information:
While normal Pokémon can be found in the Tall Grass, this Pokémon can mostly be found on Instagram, Snapchat - and some older ones - on Facebook.
Species: Influencer Types:
EHP: 5355 EXP to level 100: 1,000,000
Egg group: Field Mega Capable: N/A
Gender Ratio:

Male : 50%    Female : 50%    Genderless : —%


Female Male
Shiny Sprites
Female Male


Psyduck (Selfie) does NOT evolve.


Psyduck (Selfie) is able to change forms. Taking the Selfie stick from it will revert it back to a normal Psyduck.