Retro Poochyena

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Revision as of 19:22, 5 April 2014 by Scourge (talk | contribs)
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Evolution line

Retro Poochyena is a Retro Pokémon that was obtained during 'Month of Hoenn', from 18/01/14 to 31/01/14. The probability of hatching a Retro Poochyena from a normal Pokémon-Egg is 5%. Any Poochyena egg that was obtained from the Lab, Daycare, Tall Grass or the Gem Collector could have hatch retro.



Pokedex information:
It savagely threatens foes with bared fangs. It chases after fleeing targets tenaciously. It turns tail and runs, however, if the foe strikes back.
Species: Bite Types:
EHP: 4,080 EXP to level 100: 1,000,000
Egg group: Undiscovered Mega Capable: N/A
Gender Ratio:

Male : —%    Female : —%    Genderless : —%


Normal Shiny


Retro Poochyena does NOT evolve.