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<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/wild_ponyta.png" style="float: right;"><font size="6"><b>Scavenger Hunt</font><br></b><font size="4"><b>New special Event Distribution</font><br></b></center>
<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/braviary.png" style="float: right; padding-top: 3%; zoom: 60%"><s1><font size="5"><b>
Mega Braviary
</font><br><font size="4">
& End of Summer Sale
</font><br></b></center></s1><br><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><s1>
A new mega evolution has been discovered by the most experienced breeders of Emera Town: With the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Braviary are apparently able to perform a mega evolution.
The breeders were able to breed a bunch of mega-able Rufflet lately and are now giving them away in an Event Distribution. So what are you waiting for? Make sure to be the first trainer own a mega version of this powerful bird!
Attention Pokémon breeders and trainers of Emera Town: A new competition is about to start at the Emera Square! A town-wide scavenger hunt starts on the Tuesday where your goal is to find three specific Pokémon eggs at the Tall Grass, to hatch them and to evolve them into their final stage.
But be quick: Only the fastest trainers will be able to claim an egg of our new Event Pokémon at the end of this contest as a reward! You can restart the hunt as often as you want to try to beat your record.
In other news: Our End of Summer sale just started! You can choose from multiple strongly discounted offers that include premium membership, premium items and Event Passes. This sale ends on September 30th.
The event ends on October 7th.
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/event_distribution">EVENT DISTRIBUTION</a>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/sale">EOS SALE</a></s1>
<a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/square">Emera square</a> <a id="newsurl" href="//pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=72607">feedback thread</a></html>

Revision as of 05:11, 19 September 2019

Mega Braviary
& End of Summer Sale

A new mega evolution has been discovered by the most experienced breeders of Emera Town: With the use of a Mega Stone, some very strong Braviary are apparently able to perform a mega evolution. The breeders were able to breed a bunch of mega-able Rufflet lately and are now giving them away in an Event Distribution. So what are you waiting for? Make sure to be the first trainer own a mega version of this powerful bird!

In other news: Our End of Summer sale just started! You can choose from multiple strongly discounted offers that include premium membership, premium items and Event Passes. This sale ends on September 30th.